Eagle and its young, the
God's care for His people is beautifully expressed in His
words to Israel: "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how l
carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself" (Exo 19:4).
Bible writers were much impressed with the swift, swooping
flight of the eagle, the largest bird known in Israel. In modern times the eagle
has been observed catching its young in flight, as mentioned in the Bible: "Like
an eagle that stirs up Its nest and hovers over Its young, that spreads its
wings to catch them and carries them on Its pinions" (Deu 32:11).
The young eaglet might be afraid to fly, but the parent forces
it out of the nest. It may flutter and fall, unable yet to fly properly. Then
the parent eagle can dive and spread its saving wings underneath the falling
young one. This is the imagery of that famous line from the Bible which promises
God's sustaining presence in time of trouble: "The eternal God is your refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting arms" (Deu 33:27).
In the long history of God's people, they have been sustained
by the faith and confidence that God cares for them. This has been equally true
with all the saints of the Old and New Testaments. God cares for all His
creatures, but He is particularly concerned for those whom He has called and who
have responded to be His people. This does not mean that they will be spared the
hazards of life. It does mean that God's people can endure and survive many
perils because they know that the LORD cares for them, that they are borne on
"eagles' wings", and that underneath are the "everlasting arms".