"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall
be heirs of salvation?" (Heb 1:14).
From Genesis to Revelation, the Scriptures are full of the
work of the angels. The first and last books of the Bible, in particular, show
us angels dealing with individuals and nations; but they are featured throughout
the whole of Scripture because this is the way God has chosen to work with His
creation and to fulfil His purpose. This world is under the direction of the
angels, who now receive their authority and power from Christ; and this will
remain so until the Kingdom is established, when Christ and the saints will
The work of the angels can be divided into three
- Representing God (Exo
- Directing the nations (Dan 4:35);
- Ministering to the saints (Heb
These have been their responsibilities since the Garden of
The Hebrew word ("malak") and the Greek word ("aggelos") for
'angel' both mean 'messenger', 'one sent', and relate to the function and not
the nature of the one involved. The context and event will identify whether
Scripture is describing a messenger who is a Divine being or a
human being. For example, Mal 2:7; 3:1 and Jam 2:25 clearly
use these words of human beings, and Jdg 13:20 and Act 12:7 clearly use them of
Divine beings. Hence in the first case the translation 'messenger' is used, and
in the second, 'angel'.
Angels that excel in strength
These Divine beings that come from the presence of God and
Christ have been involved with this earth since they created it on the
instructions of God. They are immortal, not influenced by evil, and carry out
the commands of God and Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit which has been
given to them. They have the ability to appear and disappear at will, and can
manifest themselves as human beings or glorious beings, as a burning bush or a
hand that writes on a wall, or a pillar of cloud or fire. The Scripture shows us
that they have names, for angels called Gabriel and Michael are mentioned, and
that they have different ranks, for some are called archangels (Dan 10:13,21;
12:1; 1Th 4:16; Jud 1:9; Exo 3:2; Jdg 13).
Representing God
In the Old Testament there is the Name-bearing angel that
represents God. On occasions the angel is referred to as LORD (Yahweh), on other
occasions as God. The word 'God' is often used of the angels; the plural Hebrew
word "elohim" means 'mighty ones'. It was the angels ('God'; elohim) that said:
"Let us make man in our image" (Gen 1:26). It was an angel that spoke to Moses
at the burning bush and said: "I am the God of thy father..."; and in the same
passage we read: "And when the LORD [Yahweh] saw that he [Moses] turned
aside...", which teaches us that God was being represented by this angel. Jesus
has now become the one who represents his Father, and the angels go forth under
his command and in his power (Exo 3:1-6; 23:20-23; Heb 1:1-5; 1Pe 3:22; Rev
Directing the affairs of the nations
It is very clear from Scripture that the angels had a direct
influence on the events concerning the nation of Israel, and in so doing
affected lives and events in many other nations. This was done by both direct
and indirect action, such as slaying an army as it slept in tents around
Jerusalem, or changing weather patterns to bring about droughts, famines or
floods. Rulers and governments are removed or installed, or influenced to react
in certain ways, to the end that ultimately God's will is fulfilled. This has
been the case since the beginning of time, and the book of Revelation emphasizes
that it will continue until God's Kingdom is established. The example of the
scattering of Israel and then the regathering and subsequent establishment in
the land is a clear witness to the work of the angels in this present day. Bible
prophecy is dependent on angelic involvement (Isa 37:36; Job 37:12,13; Psa
148:7,8; Dan 4:25,35; 10:13,21; Rev 7:1-3; 8:2-6; 16:1).
Ministering to the saints
The care of the believer, and the molding of the believer's
character through the experiences and events of his or her life, are important
parts of the work of the angels. To them is given the responsibility, under the
direction of Christ and his heavenly Father, of preparing the saints for the
Kingdom. The psalmist came to understand that all his thoughts, words and
actions were observed by the angels, communicated to God, and the events in his
life influenced by them. The same was true for men such as Jacob, Daniel and
Paul. Angels are acting on behalf of heaven with those called to be saints.
Their function is to "minister" to us, to "encamp... round about" us, and to
"keep [us] in all [our] ways". They do not remove our free will, but strive to
influence us in the ways of God. They are involved with our prayers, while
remaining unseen, so that our faith might be developed as required by our
heavenly Father. They will chasten and prove us as necessary. In this present
life the believer is brought into the presence of "an innumerable company of
angels" (Gen 28:12; 45:7; 48:15,16; Psa 34:6,7; 91:11; Dan 6:22; Acts 10:1-8;
27:23; Heb 1:14; 12:22).
Summary of the angels' work
This world is under the direction of the angels, and they are
overseeing the work of drawing all nations to Jerusalem. Often in the New
Testament their activities are described as the work of the Spirit -- as in the
case of Philip (Acts 8:26,29) and in the imparting of the Holy Spirit to the
apostles (Psa 104:4; Acts 2:2-4). They are involved in the lives of believers,
exercising care over them. They will be involved in the judgement, with the
raising of the dead and the gathering of the living saints to Christ. They
rejoice in the purpose of God and in the fulfillment of His will, and joyfully
praise His great and holy Name. They obey the Creator, and it will be the
privilege of the faithful to be like them in the Kingdom age (Psa 103:20; Mat
16:27; 24:31; 25:31; 1Th 4:16; Heb 2:5).