Minor prophets, and their messages
- Hosea: The LORD loves Israel despite her sin.
- Joel: Judgment precedes Israel's future
- Amos: God is just and must judge
- Obadiah: Sure retribution must overtake
merciless pride.
- Jonah: Divine grace is universal
in its sweep.
- Micah: Bethlehem-born Messiah will
be mankind's Deliverer.
- Nahum: Doom is to descend
on wicked Nineveh.
- Habakkuk: Justification by
faith is God's way of salvation.
- Zephaniah: The
Day of the LORD must precede kingdom
- Haggai: The LORD's Temple and interests
deserve top priority.
- Zechariah: The LORD will
remember His people Israel.
- Malachi: Let the
wicked be warned by the certainty of judgment.