The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Leviticus 24

Lev 24:4

TENDED CONTINUALLY: As "priests" of God, we tend our "lamps" by daily study and meditation on the word of God, which is OUR lamp and light: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Psa 119:105).

"Is it not the essential condition of even human friendship that enlightenment should be a thing of normal habit? But enlightenment is not native: darkness is. Enlightenment to be attained or retained must be kindled by external appliance, and there must be renewal. Light the lamp and leave it, and it will become dark again. It is so on all subjects, especially the knowledge of God, for which the mind has the least affinity. Dress the lamps every morning. Read the Bible every day. This will keep you supplied with oil that will cause light. 'Thy word is light': it is the light. 'Thy word is truth': it is the truth. Any other truth is darkness for the highest purpose of life, as all men will feel when suddenly confronted with the glory of God at the coming of Christ. Knowledge of mines: knowledge of metals: knowledge of countries: knowledge of languages or of physical elements -- is all very well in its place: it is the knowledge of God and His ways and His intentions and His will that constitutes the true light of life" (LM 192).

In Christ's parable, the foolish virgins did not tend their individual lamps as they should, so that they ran out of oil. When the Bridegroom arrived, they were not prepared to go forth and meet him; sadly, they found the door shut in their faces (Mat 25:3,8,9).

Lev 24:5

CAKES: From Heb "kawlan" = puncture, wound. Cp Isa 53:5-7. Christ is the "bread" (Joh 6:33,48-51), punctured/wounded!

Lev 24:7

ALONG EACH ROW PUT SOME PURE INCENSE: The memorial bread is associated, not for the first time (cp Lev 2:2) with frankincense -- the symbol of Jesus' priesthood -- for he is our high priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Lev 24:8

THIS BREAD IS TO BE SET OUT BEFORE THE LORD REGULARLY: Setting "in order" is a significant thing in the service of God: Gen 22:9; Exo 26:17; 39:37; 40:4,23; Lev 1:7,8,12; 6:12; 24:8; 1Ki 18:33; 2Ki 20:1; 2Ch 13:11; 29:35; Eze 41:6; Acts 18:23; 1Co 11:34; 14:40; Tit 1:5.

SABBATH AFTER SABBATH... AS A LASTING COVENANT: Thus there was to be continual remembrance every Sabbath -- this was an everlasting covenant. The bread, fresh each week, and the incense of the High Priest, point to the great High Priest who took bread and said, "This is my body", and who then laid down his life to fulfill the everlasting covenant. We remember this every first day, each week, with bread!

Lev 24:10

Vv 10,11: This event seems to be out of place and unrelated to the details of the purity of the Law, but it is not. It shows an example of how purity and holiness were not manifest in the daily lives of the people of Israel. The son was born of two "unequally yoked". The tension between the origins of the two men is clearly seen, and results in physical violence. This led to his blasphemy of the Most Holy God.

Lev 24:12

THEY PUT HIM IN CUSTODY UNTIL THE WILL OF THE LORD SHOULD BE MADE CLEAR TO THEM: This demonstrates that the Law of Moses did not have an immediate answer to every situation.

Lev 24:14

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven (Mat 12:31).

See Lesson, Laying on of hands.
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