Lev 4: "The provisions of Lev 4 are based on an understanding
that a knowledge of sin has been brought home to the sinner (v 24). So Moses set
before the people he elements of the Sin Offering of Ignorance: vv 1,2. The sin
offering legislated for sins done unwittingly, and in so doing taught that sin
is related to nature. Behind all conscious acts of the will there are natural,
or involuntary movements, or propensities of which we are hardly conscious, but
for which, nevertheless, we are held responsible. Even thought must be
controlled (2Co 10:3; Mat 5:2, 8; Pro 24:9). So the sacrifices were an important
element in preparing a people for God, and ensuring that they understood His
wisdom and principles" (GEM).
Lev 4:2
be eaten but burnt, and whose blood was to be presented in the tabernacle, were
those offered for sins of ignorance; while those to be eaten, were for sin in
general. The bringing of the blood into the tabernacle and the burning of the
bodies, would seem to express intenser repudiation than the eating of the flesh.
And yet the intenser repudiation was for the class of sin that men are liable to
consider the most venial -- sins of ignorance. What is the explanation of this?
Is it so that unconscious sin is more hateful to God than that which is known
and confessed? It would not be difficult to think so. When a man knows his
faults, disowns them and struggles against them, his friends bear with him more
easily than if he offends regularly in a line of things of which he is not
aware. In his ignorance, he supposes himself perfectly acceptable, while all the
time it may be he is making it the hardest work in the world to endure him. We
are probably not far wrong in supposing that this is how it is with our
imperfect selves towards God, and that there is a special meaning in the
declaration that He 'hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us
according to our iniquities' [Psa 103:10]" (LM 242).
Lev 4:3
The offering for the High Priest typ Christ's offering. In ct
sin offering for others (which was eaten by priests: Lev 6:25,26), the body of
this sacrifice was not eaten (Lev 6:30), but burned outside the camp (Lev
4:11,12). Thus, the antitypical Christ-sacrifice, which provided access into
God's presence (v 6), was burned outside the camp (Heb 13:10,11), that is,
outside the Law of Moses (BS 13:15).
Lev 4:12
OUTSIDE THE CAMP: Cp Heb 13:11: to be observed by those
who were outside -- ie lepers, unclean, Gentiles.
Lev 4:21
OUTSIDE THE CAMP: "Let us, then, go to him outside the
camp, bearing the disgrace he bore" (Heb 13:13).
Lev 4:23
GOAT: Repr wayward human nature. But a "kid of the
goats" (AV), not mature in his way, ie pliable.