Colossians 1
Col 1:1
See Lesson, Paul the man.
See Lesson, Paul's ecclesial letters.
Col 1:2
HOLY: Or "saints". Gr "hagios", the holy ones! As God
"set apart" or "sanctified" or "made holy" His people in Egypt (Exo 13:2; Lev
11:44), so NT believers were "made holy" in Christ.
All believers are "saints" through their spiritual union with
Christ, a fact Paul often expressed by the phrase "in Christ Jesus" (Rom 8:1,2;
Eph 2:6,10,13; 3:6) or "in Christ" (Rom 12:5; 2Co 5:17). This use of the term
emphasizes not so much personal holiness, though the believer's conduct should
correspond increasingly to his standing (2Co 7:1; 2Th 5:23), but the objective
"set apart" status each believer possesses because of the grace conferred upon
him or her through Christ.
COLOSSE: A city located on both sides of the Lycus
River in Phrygia, about 12 miles from Laodicea in sw Asia Minor. The histories
of Colosse, Laodicea, and Hierapolis were closely associated. The great trade
route from Ephesus to Tarsus and Syria went through Colosse and made it a
prosperous city by the time of Xerxes. The city had owed its wealth chiefly to
its red or violet woolens, called colossinus. But it was already declining in
importance by Paul's day because of competition especially from Laodicea, and no
letter was sent there by John when he wrote the churches in Asia (Rev 1-3). The
ecclesia in Colosse may have been founded by Epaphras (Col 1:2; 4:12). Paul had
not visited Colosse previous to his letter to them (Col 2:1). The church seems
to have met in the home of Philemon (Phm 1:2).
Col 1:4
SAINTS: All believers are "saints" through their
spiritual union with Christ, a fact Paul often expressed by the phrase "in
Christ Jesus" (Rom 8:1,2; Eph 2:6,10,13; 3:6) or "in Christ" (Rom 12:5; 2Co
5:17). This use of the term emphasizes not personal holiness, though the
believer's conduct should correspond increasingly to his standing, but the
objective status each believer possesses because of the grace conferred upon him
or her through Christ.
Col 1:5
The believer's hope: an anchor to the soul (Heb 6:19); a
treasure in heaven (Col 1:5); a person in the heart (Col 1:27); and a power in
the life (1Jo 3:3).
THE HOPE: The hope of glory (v 27), which is with
Christ in heaven, but shall be manifested to the believers when he shall appear,
out of heaven, bringing it with him (Col 3:3,4). Cp Heb 9:28.
STORED UP: Sw 2Ti 4:8, re Paul's anticipated
Col 1:6
proclamation of the gospel is the bearing of fruit. This fruit produces glory to
God (so also in v 10). Cp John 15:16; Rom 15:28; Eph 5:9; Gal 5:22,23.
Col 1:7
EPAPHRAS: A "beloved fellow servant" and a "faithful
minister of Christ," held in high esteem by Paul (Col 1:7-8; 4:12-13). In Phm
1:23 he is referred to as "my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus". While the name
is a contracted form of Epaphroditus, most commentators do not connect him with
the Philippian man of that name in Phi 2:25-30. From Col 1:6,7 it appears that
Colosse has received "the grace of God in truth" not from Paul himself but from
Epaphras. On the basis of Col 4:13, he had been Paul's representative in
bringing the gospel not only to Colosse, but also to Laodicea and Hierapolis.
Later he shared Paul's imprisonment and sent greetings to Philemon.
WHO IS A FAITHFUL SERVANT: Examples of faithfulness in
service: Samuel (1Sa 3:20); David (1Sa 22:14); the temple overseers (2Ki 12:15);
the workers (2Ch 34:12); Hananiah (Neh 7:2); Abraham (Neh 9:8); the treasurers
(Neh 13:13); Daniel (Dan 6:4); Timothy (1Co 4:17); Epaphras (Col 1:7); Tychicus
(Col 4:7); Onesimus (Col 4:9); Paul (1Ti 1:12); Moses (Heb 3:2,5); Gaius (3Jo
1:5); Jesus Christ (Rev 1:5); Antipas (Rev 2:13).
Cp Luk 16:10; 2Ch 31:12.
"The present life in Christ is pre-eminently one of
ministration to God through him, to him through service to our brethren, it
being the prerogative of love to serve. Whether on the platform, in the home, in
the sickroom, in the business meeting, the Sunday School or the study class, the
ideal is to serve, to minister, to give, not to take or display. Tychicus is
termed 'a beloved brother and a faithful minister of the Lord' (Eph 6:21),
whilst Epaphras is called 'a dear fellowservant' and 'a faithful minister of
Christ' " (FCE 71).
Col 1:8
LOVE IN THE SPIRIT: That is, love founded upon mutual
affection for spiritual things.
Col 1:9
SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING: "We are absolutely nothing, except as
God chooses to use us in His purpose. All our meaning and value lies in being
part of His work. Outside of that, we are empty, uninteresting chunks of flesh,
like the cattle. If we wish to have any meaning or permanence -- to be anything
other than dumb, perishing animals -- we must fill our minds with God's Word,
and fill our lives with His service" (GVG).
We cannot be "filled" with grace and knowledge until we are
first "emptied" of our own thoughts and desires (Phi 2:7).
KNOWLEDGE: Gr "epi-gnosis": thorough, exact
Col 1:10
A LIFE WORTHY OF THE LORD: "You have your limits. You
have more mental capacity than some, and less than others. You have more
physical capacity than some, and less than others. This is true of everyone
except the single one at the top and at the bottom. Much can be done in both
categories by exercise, but still there are limits -- and all are different. It
is not important. At his very best and highest, man is still nothing. At worst
and lowest, he is still something. What counts eternally is how you use what you
have been given, in mental, physical, and circumstantial opportunity. This is
your personal stewardship, be it great or small. You will be judged upon it. God
requires your most and best, within your limits. This is what love will be eager
and anxious to give and still wish it could give more. Do you have this love and
zeal for divine service that makes the difference between life and death? It
comes with long study and meditation, and prayer. It's not a secret or special
gift that some just happen to have. It's something all are commanded to develop,
and freely shown how. It is spiritual-mindedness, which is life and peace; and
there can be neither life nor peace without it. It is not a matter of sudden and
shallow emotional excitement, like orthodox 'conversion.' It is a deep, steady,
consistent learning and growing and transforming, and becoming closer and closer
to the Divine Perfection" (GVG).
many to share the fellowship that we have with the Father: Rom 1:13, Phi 4:17;
2Pe 1:8.
"Don't drift. Don't play. Make all your time sensible and
constructive and useful. Play is for children. It is essential for them. Your
childhood is over. Grow up. There is plenty of exercise and enjoyment and
relaxation in practical and effective work. Eschew the fleshly illusion that
time must be wasted to be enjoyed. That's stupid. We have no justification or
excuse for wasting God's valuable time in child's play -- for ALL our time is
His, for His purpose. We have solemnly agreed to this. So be honest. Live up to
it. You know there is no satisfying peace or joy in slipping back into the
vacuous and juvenile play of infancy. Grow up! Press on! Keep your eye on the
glorious goal. You have a brief, once-only opportunity to secure eternity. Don't
bungle it. Disneyland is for immature and empty minds. It's a dressed up
skeleton: a grinning corpse. Look beyond the glitter and tinsel to the cold and
dead bones beneath. It's the whole mad world in microcosm: shun it as the
plague" (GVG).
Col 1:11
ENDURANCE: Or "patience" in KJV (which conveys too much
passivity). "Endurance" is "the ability to deal triumphantly with anything life
can do to us" (BCol 68).
Col 1:12
WHO HAS QUALIFIED YOU: To be qualified: an educational
process and attainment.
"Partakers" / "sharers": of root and fatness of olive tree
(Rom 11:17), of spiritual things (Rom 15:27), of one bread (1Co 10:17), of
sufferings and consolation (2Co 1:7), of God's promise in Christ (Eph 3:6), of
inheritance of saints (Col 1:12), of heavenly calling (Heb 3:1), of Christ (Heb
3:14), of the benefit (1Ti 6:2), of the glory (1Pe 5:1), and of the divine
nature (2Pe 1:4).
KINGDOM OF LIGHT: See Gen 1:3; John 8:12; 1Ti
Col 1:13
DOMINION OF DARKNESS: The blinding power of sin (2Co
4:4). Cp Joh 12:36, and Paul's commission in Act 26:17-19.
BROUGHT US INTO: " 'Brought' translates 'metestesen', a
word that was used in secular literature in reference to removing persons from
one country and settling them as colonists and citizens in another country. It
might be rendered 'reestablished' " (EBC).
INTO: "Eis" sig "for" or "toward". Through belief in
Christ and baptism, men and women have changed their "citizenship" and are being
prepared for a new Kingdom, the one that is coming with Christ (Col
Col 1:14
REDEMPTION: "Apolutrosis" = to be bought away from. See
Lesson, Redemption.
The simple truth of the transaction of "redemption", as
described in the New Testament, is contained in the key passages that equate
redemption with the forgiveness of sins (Eph 1:7; Col 1:14). What has been
forgiven cannot also be paid for. The sacrifice of Christ, the culmination of a
life of perfect obedience and dedication, was the price paid for our salvation.
That is to say, it was necessary that Christ give himself as a suitable basis
for the declaring of God's righteousness in offering mercy to sinners. But God's
offer requires a corresponding "payment" on the part of those who would accept
it. Since they are to be redeemed out of death they must repudiate that which
brought death, which is the world and sin (Rom 6:1-7, for example). They must
live sober and godly lives, repudiating all iniquity, as a special people
belonging exclusively to God (Tit 2:14).
Col 1:15
IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD: "Christ was a divine
manifestation -- an embodiment of Deity in flesh -- Emmanuel, God with us...
When Jesus said, 'He that hath seen me hath seen the Father also,' he did not
contradict the statement that 'no man hath seen God at any time', but simply
expressed the truth contained in these words of Paul. 'The brightness of His
glory, and the express image of His person' (Heb 1:3). Those who looked upon the
anointed Jesus, beheld a representation of the Deity accessible to human vision"
FIRSTBORN: Note that Israel is called God's firstborn
nation (Exo 4:22), though other nations were literally created first. Likewise,
for believers, "firstborn" is a description of status, not an order of birth: cp
Jer 31:9; Gen 48:14,19; Deu 21:17; Psa 89:27; Heb 12:23.
"Firstborn" is explained in v 18: "from the dead"!
ALL CREATION: Which "creation"? The "New Creation: see
2Co 5:17; Gal 6:15; Eph 2:10,15; 4:24; Col 3:10; Jam 1:18.
Col 1:16
See Lesson, New creation.
BY (first): "En": in.
BY (second): "Dia": by means of.
INVISIBLE: Christ has preeminence even over angels (Col
2:18). They have been "created" (ie, reordered, rearranged) by Christ.
FOR: "Eis": toward.
Col 1:18
Examples of personification: riches (Mat 6:24); sin (Joh 8:34;
Rom 5:21; 6:16); spirit (Joh 16:13); wisdom (Pro 3:13-15; 9:1); Israel (Jer
31:4,18); people of Christ (Eph 4:4,13; 5:23; Rev 19:7; 1Co 12:27; 2Co 11:2; Col
THE BEGINNING: Did Christ pre-exist his birth? Only in
the ideal and plan of God, not in tangible form: 1Pe 1:20; 2Ti 1:9,10; Mat
25:34. Did the "church" pre-exist? No, of course not: see Rom 8:29.
AND HE IS THE HEAD OF THE BODY: "Remember putting your
face above a headless frame painted to represent a muscle man, a clown, or even
a bathing beauty? Many of us have had our pictures taken this way, and the
photos are humorous because the head doesn't fit the body.
If we could picture Christ as the head of our local body of
believers, would the world laugh at the misfit? Or would they stand in awe of a
human body so closely related to a divine head?" (Dan Bernard).
Col 1:20
Peace: made (Col 1:20), preached (Eph 2:17), enjoyed (Rom
5:1), filling hearts (Rom 15:13), given (John 14:27), keeping (Phi 4:7), and
ruling (Col 3:15).
Col 1:22
participation in flesh (v 22) and blood (v 20), so as to destroy "him that hath
the power of death" (Heb 2:14,15).
Col 1:23
UNDER HEAVEN: A phrase suggesting the universality of
Yahweh's judgement: Gen 6:17; Exo 17:14; Deu 7:24; 9:14; 25:19; 29:20; 2Ki
14:27. The two NT references (Acts 4:12; Col 1:23) expand the theme to show that
the Father is indeed concerned with salvation for all mankind.
Col 1:24
CHRIST'S AFFLICTIONS: The head has already suffered; now the "body" must
suffer also: 2Co 1:5-7; 2Ti 2:12. Only thus will the purpose of God be complete,
to bring many sons to glory! "Now if we are children, then we are heirs -- heirs
of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order
that we may also share in his glory" (Rom 8:17). "We always carry around in our
body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our
body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake,
so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work
in us, but life is at work in you" (2Co 4:10-12).
take your ecclesia for granted. Labor constantly for its health and welfare. The
Truth itself is eternal and indestructible. But in these days of the flesh and
of weakness, the Ecclesia is a fragile thing, needing constant tending and care.
Ecclesias flourish, and ecclesias languish. Ecclesias live, and ecclesias die.
Ecclesias grow and ecclesias shrivel. The difference may be you. The health of
the ecclesia depends on the spirit of the ecclesia: the oneness, the unity, the
closeness, the mutual affection and care of the members one for another. A body
is not healthy unless all parts are alive and active and working. The ecclesia
is a body with many members: all are necessary: all have full-time work to do to
make the ecclesia a true, living, spiritual, divine entity -- united to God,
well-pleasing to God, steadily moving forward and upward to eventual perfect
eternal oneness with God. Make the ecclesia's welfare and harmony and
spirituality and mutually upbuilding joy your constant prayer and care. Help,
strengthen, encourage, support, serve. Subdue your flesh, and all your fleshly
reactions. Subdue your natural antagonisms and criticisms and petty,
small-minded frictions. All these things are destructive of ecclesial
well-being. Forget yourself, especially your baby grievances, and work wholly
for the common good. Herein alone will you find peace and joy and fulfillment"
Col 1:27
The believer's hope: an anchor to the soul (Heb 6:19); a
treasure in heaven (Col 1:5); a person in the heart (Col 1:27); and a power in
the life (1Jo 3:3).
Col 1:28
is not possible to persuade people to be wise. Wisdom is not a POSITION we take:
it is a CONDITION we are in. But it is possible to persuade people to take the
course that will make them wise: prayer, and study, and meditation on the Word"