Ephesians 6
Eph 6:1
CHILDREN, OBEY YOUR PARENTS: Parenthood is a divine
vocation (Eph 3:14,15). Children are a heritage (Psa 127:3).
Eph 6:2
In LD there will be disobedience to parents: 2Ti
5:16: "...so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land
the LORD your God is giving you." Our future inheritance in the Land is
contingent upon a willingness to live out the principles of God's character in
our lives now.
Eph 6:3
THAT IT MAY GO WELL WITH YOU: "Our mind is a marvelous
thing. It can do many, many things we do not even dream of. Let us use it to the
full: and never, never waste it or degrade it with rubbish. There is no greater
folly, crime, or tragedy than perverting the mind from its one, great, intended,
life-giving purpose. Cram it full of God, and of love, and of joy and hope, and
of communion with the great host of the faithful of the past in the Divine Word.
Cram it so full that it will keep welling up and running over. This is our
wisdom and our duty, and no one can do it for us. It is done by study and
thought and meditation and prayer -- stedfastly wrenching the mind ever back
from all present emptiness, and disciplining it into profitable, productive,
eternal channels. God has given to each of us the most marvelous computer in the
world. Are we using it just to play tiddledywinks with death?" (GVG).
Eph 6:4
FATHERS; // Col 3:21.
Eph 6:5
self-portrait of the person who did it.
A young man working in a restaurant was admonished by his
supervisor to be courteous and friendly to all guests as they arrived and left.
"Why should I bother?" he asked. "I'm off to university, and I won't be here
after two more months."
"Well," said the boss, "that's not exactly true! Actually, you
won't be here after two more MINUTES! You can pick up your check now."
Eph 6:7
SERVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY: "We must get our joy from serving
God. And not just from serving Him in things we like to do, but in the fact of
serving Him as such, regardless of the type of service that is required of us.
There are things we like to do -- things that are right and necessary -- and
truly we can serve Him in them. But there are also things -- right and necessary
-- that we do not enjoy in themselves, but which must be done in faithfulness as
they come to hand. It is in cheerful and joyful service in these that we are
really serving God in truth and are developing the true, deep capacity for joy
in pure service as such, however unpleasant the particular task may be"
Eph 6:11
Vv 11-17: Eph is in the same chronological group of Paul's
epistles as Col, Phm, and Phi, called collectively "The Prison Epistles" because
written during Paul's first Roman imprisonment (cp 2Ti 1:8: Paul's second
imprisonment). Paul evidently arrived in Rome in the spring of 61. The Acts
speaks of his living two whole years in his own hired house (Act 28:30), which
would bring him to the spring of 63. He was prob released before the burning of
Rome in 64. In Phi he was expecting such release (Phi 1:19-26), a hope to which
he refers also in Phm 1:22. Eph, Col, and Phm were dispatched at the same time
by the same messengers (Eph 6:21,22; Col 4:7-9; Phm 1:12,23,24). Therefore, it
is not too much of a stretch to suppose that, as Paul dictated these words, he
had in front of him the very model for his description, in a fully-clothed and
armored Roman soldier. Hence, "You see (these scrolls)? My 'sword' is mightier
than your 'sword'!"
"When soldiers go into battle they make sure that they are
protected against anything the enemy might throw against them and that they are
also prepared to fight. It would be stupid to go into enemy territory without
camouflage gear, flack jackets and ammunition, but sometimes as Christians we do
exactly that as we battle against sin. Paul tells us that we need to put on the
full armor of God.
"We need to wear the belt of truth around our waist. If truth
makes up part of our armour and we are thoroughly familiar with the word of God
we will instantly recognize all the lies and untruths that could make us fall.
"The breastplate of righteousness must be in place. We are not
in and of ourselves righteous, but with our faith in the mercy of God and the
sacrifice of Christ, our faith can be counted as righteousness and our trust in
God will save us.
"Our feet should be fitted with the readiness that comes from
the gospel of peace. We need to be ready and willing to spread peace as far as
we can -- not just peace, but the peace of God, the forgiveness of sins.
"Take up the shield of faith. Have faith in God and he will
defend you. Trust that he will 'deliver us from evil,' as we pray in the Lord's
"Wear the helmet of salvation. We need to keep our minds
protected from attack. Keep them centered on God and on his salvation. God is
our salvation. He wants to give us the Kingdom and will never try us beyond what
we are able to bear.
"Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. This
is our most powerful weapon and it has the power to change people like we would
never dream possible. Jesus overcame temptation by quoting the Word of God to
give him strength to overcome. Let us get the Word inside us so that we can do
it too. Soldiers of Christ, Arise, and put your armor on!" (MT).
SCHEMES: AV "wiles" (Gr "methodia"). Only other usage:
Eph 4:14: "the cunning and craftiness of MEN in their deceitful SCHEMING". So
the scheming of the "devil" = the scheming of "men".
Eph 6:12
IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS: See Eph 1:3,20; 2:6; 3:10; Tit
Eph 6:14
The passage in Eph 6:14-17 particularizes the whole armor of
God -- the belt, or girdle, or binding together of Truth; the protective
breastplate or heart-covering of Righteousness (not self-accomplished, but "It
is God that worketh in you" and "We are His workmanship, created unto good
works"); feet shod with the "preparation" -- the preparedness -- the eager,
enthusiastic readiness to serve the Gospel of Peace -- "How beautiful are the
swiftly running feet of him that bringeth good tidings of peace!" (Isa 52:7).
"Above all" the shield of Faith -- belief, confidence, assurance -- the
unassailable conviction that God is and that He will unfailingly reward all who
diligently seek Him with all their heart. This shield will defend against every
attack, every assault of the enemy, all his inflammatory darts of temptation and
evil desire, all his shafts of discouragement and doubt.
"And take Salvation for your helmet", or more fully, as in 1Th
5:8, "for an helmet the Hope of Salvation". Why a helmet and a breastplate, if
the Shield of Faith is all-sufficient protection? Because "Faith without Works
is dead" (James 2:17,20). The head must be enclosed by the hope that Paul says
comes by a tested steadfastness, and the heart must be covered by the
righteousness that comes from God.
And finally, the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of
God. That is the weapon against all the rulership and authority and domination
of evil, both within and without. The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, the
one and only weapon of offence -- sharper and more piercing than any literal
sword -- searching and dividing between soul and spirit -- between that which is
fleshly and that which is of the Spirit (Heb 4:12). Only the Word can discern,
and teach us to discern by its insight, our own hearts and motives.
He has mentioned six elements of the armor of God. What is the
seventh? That he describes in vv 18,19 -- Prayer. "Praying always, with all
prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and supplication in the Spirit, and
watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all
Another version puts the thought perhaps a little clearer:
"Use every kind of prayer and entreaty, and at every opportunity pray in the
Spirit. Be on the alert about it; devote yourself constantly to prayer for all
God's people." Those who bring their lives to this state of devotion will stand
approved before Christ. There must be an urgency and intensity about our
supplications -- a great consciousness of inadequacy and shortcoming and
spiritual need. We may fight the good fight of faith only if we have the backing
of our Father in heaven.
Eph 6:15
FEET FITTED WITH... PEACE: A "soldier" for
Eph 6:16
"Above all" the shield of Faith -- belief, confidence,
assurance -- the unassailable conviction that God is and that He will
unfailingly reward all who diligently seek Him with all their heart. This shield
will defend against every attack, every assault of the enemy, all his
inflammatory darts of temptation and evil desire, all his shafts of
discouragement and doubt.
"The victory that overcomes, even our faith" (1Jo
FLAMING ARROWS: Small canes filled with combustible
material, or arrows or spears wrapped in such material, set on fire and shot or
thrown at the enemy (Dawn 42:151).
Eph 6:17
HELMET OF SALVATION: "And take Salvation for your
helmet", or more fully, as in 1Th 5:8, "for an helmet the Hope of Salvation".
Why a helmet and a breastplate, if the Shield of Faith is all-sufficient
protection? Because "Faith without Works is dead" (James 2:17,20). The head must
be enclosed by the hope that Paul says comes by a tested steadfastness, and the
heart must be covered by the righteousness that comes from God.
is the weapon against all the rulership and authority and domination of evil,
both within and without. The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, the one and
only weapon of offence -- sharper and more piercing than any literal sword --
searching and dividing between soul and spirit -- between that which is fleshly
and that which is of the Spirit (Heb 4:12). Only the Word can discern, and teach
us to discern by its insight, our own hearts and motives.
THE SWORD: The only offensive weapon. "The armour
equipment is for defence, even the shield held by the left hand. But the warfare
includes attack, hence the soldier-saint is provided with a sword which will
enable him to advance, unafraid, to meet the onslaught of the devil. Just as the
sword gives meaning to the whole armour so the word of God gives meaning to
truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith and salvation, for they are all
facets of the word in doctrine, spirit, preaching, love and in service. 'He that
is of God heareth God's words' (Joh 8:47). There can be none of the defences
figured in the armour of the soldier-saint, nor the sword of power, unless he
studies deeply the word of God. If this is neglected then the saint is bereft of
the one weapon which can help to withstand evil in its day of power" (MPS
Eph 6:18
Vv 18,19: Paul has mentioned six elements of the armor of God.
What is the seventh? That he describes in vv 18,19 -- Prayer. "Use every kind of
prayer and entreaty, and at every opportunity pray in the Spirit. Be on the
alert about it; devote yourself constantly to prayer for all God's people."
Those who bring their lives to this state of devotion will
stand approved before Christ. There must be an urgency and intensity about our
supplications -- a great consciousness of inadequacy and shortcoming and
spiritual need. We may fight the good fight of faith only if we have the backing
of our Father in heaven.
Eph 6:20
AN AMBASSADOR: Paul considered himself Christ's
ambassador -- an authorized representative of a sovereign. He speaks not in his
own name but on behalf of the ruler whose deputy he is, and his whole duty and
responsibility is to interpret that ruler's mind faithfully to those to whom he
is sent. Paul used this "ambassador" image twice -- both in connection with his
preaching work (Eph 6:18-20; 2Co 5:18-20). Paul called himself an ambassador
because he knew that when he proclaimed the gospel facts and promises and urged
sinners to receive the reconciliation effected at Calvary, he was declaring
Christ's message to the world. The figure of ambassadorship highlights the
authority Paul had, as representing his Lord, so long as he remained faithful to
the terms of his commission and said neither less nor more than he had been
given to say.
AN AMBASSADOR IN CHAINS: What an irony! An ambassador
was supposed to be sacrosanct. To put an ambassadors into chains would be a
terrible affront to the power which sent him, and a declaration of
Eph 6:21
Vv 21,22: In sending Tychicus to see them, Paul was concerned
that they should learn of his state. Since he had founded the ecclesia at
Ephesus and was now unable to visit them, he was concerned to maintain their
attachment to him. It was to be through such ongoing communication that their
fellowship with him might be developed.
We must continue relationships with our brethren and sisters
wherever they are. A phone call or a letter is better than no communication at
all. If we can visit, all the better.
Eph 6:24
ALL WHO LOVE OUR LORD: That is, all who share the
"love-feast" of our Lord.
UNDYING: "Sincerity" (KJV). Lit "incorrupt". Cp sw
"immortality" in Rom 2:7; 1Co 15:42,53; 2Ti 1:10.