The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Ezekiel 7

Eze 7:7

DOOM: Heb "tsephiyrah". The KJV has, prob wrongly, "morning". The Heb word is used only 3 times: here, v 10, and Isa 28:5 ("crown"). Prob sig a circle or circuit (Ellicott).

Eze 7:9

The people were beyond any sort of discipline, be it gentle or cruel. They were responding to nothing. Cp Isa 9:13.

Eze 7:13

As in year of Jubilee (Lev 25), a bounding of all transactions by a release. The difference: this will be a release to God of the Sabbaths remaining to the Land (Lev 24:34; 2Ch 36:21). When God's judgments come, buyers and sellers are all alike (Isa 24:1-3).

Eze 7:19

// Jam 5:1-3; Mat 6:20. The casting of silver and gold away in times of God's judgement occurs on other occasions (Isa 2:20). Given this description, we do well to reflect on how much we value the things that the world seems to offer us. Those things will be of no value when the Lord returns.

OR FILL THEIR STOMACHS WITH IT: At the fall of Jerusalem, in one night's time, 2,000 Jewish captives were dissected because it was rumored some had swallowed gold and other valuables (Josephus, WRev 133).

Eze 7:20

THEIR BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY: The riches, etc of Temple.

Eze 7:23

CHAINS: Restraint, slavery, bonds, yokes (Jer 27). It was the practice of the victorious invader to chain the captives together, so as to transport them away to their places of slavery: "Lots were cast for her nobles, and all her great men were put in chains" (Nah 3:10). In making chains, Ezekiel would be reminding his countrymen that this would be the fate of those in the land of Judah who had ignored Yahweh.

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