The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Ezekiel 32

Eze 32:2

MONSTER: Reading "tannin" (or "dragon") for MsTx "tannim" (or "jackals") (see Lesson, Leviathan -- "OT History").

Eze 32:15

THEN THEY WILL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD: "The oracles against the nations in Eze 25 -- 32 were originally delivered to the people of Judah. Although the words written seem to be solely for those particular nations, they are foremost for the people of Judah in Jerusalem and Babylon and serve at least three purposes. First, these oracles reveal God's judgment against the nations that either mocked or aided in Jerusalem's fall [cf Gen 12:3: "whoever curses you I will curse"]. Second, as with both the king of Tyre and the Pharaoh of Egypt, God would throw them down from their self-elevated positions of power -- there is no room for such arrogance and pride in God's creation. Third, the oracles are essentially a dismantling of the gods of the nations, which is in turn a dismantling of the gods Judah had begun to rely wrongly upon, and the proclamation that Yahweh is the one and only true God for all nations... the phrase 'know I am the LORD' occurs nineteen times. The primary purpose of these oracles is that everyone should come to 'know the LORD' " (David Cooper, cited in Const).

Eze 32:19

ARE YOU MORE FAVORED THAN OTHERS?: Yet again pride is the great stumblingblock. They felt they were of great "beauty", but now they are to be treated the same way as the rest by God. Abasing the proud is a regular feature of God's dealings with men. How often this particular side of human nature works against God; man must order his life not in pride, but in humility -- confessing always his unworthiness and leaning on God's mercy: "Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud" (Pro 16:19).

"Let us remember, as we read of God's judgements on these nations, that pride is not just the puffing up of self, but also the despising of others. Whilst we may be happy that we do not do the former, I wonder how sure we could be of the latter. The very idea of being called of God gives us the very greatest potential to consider ourselves to be above others. Let us not fall into this trap. Judgement is God's, not ours" (PC).

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