The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Ezekiel 3

Eze 3:6

// Mat 11:21; Luk 10:13.

Eze 3:9

DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THEM: It is not always easy to witness against problems and issues in the ecclesia. Timothy had a similar problem, and needed similar encouragement (2Ti 1:7).

Eze 3:14

THE SPIRIT THEN LIFTED ME UP AND TOOK ME AWAY: An example of how God provided the strength for the prophets when their own state of mind was such that their motivation was eroded: see also Jer 20:7-9; Amos 3:8.

I WENT IN BITTERNESS AND IN THE ANGER OF MY SPIRIT: Examples of prophetic reluctance: Exo 4:10; Jer 1:6; Eze 3:14; Jon 1:3; 1Ki 19:10; Luk 5:8,10; 9:59; 18:23; Act 13:13; 18:9. Ct Isa 6:8.

Eze 3:15

I SAT: Sitting, the common posture of grief: Ezr 9:3; Lam 1:1-3.

SEVEN DAYS: Job 2:13. Ezekiel was a priest in his 30th year (Eze 1:3). Lev 8:33: the consecration of the new priest -- 7 days.

Eze 3:19

"God has committed to men such responsibility that Ezekiel and Jeremiah can warn and save, or refrain and be guilty of blood. And we know that this is true of us. In all our walks we can display Jesus or hide him; confess him or deny him. We can let our light shine as a light on a lightstand, that men may glorify our Father, or we can behave so that the way of truth is evil spoken of. In our own midst we can turn a sinner from the error of his way, or we can destroy him with our meat for whom Christ died. To hold forth the Word of Life is not therefore the voluntary pastime of a few of us; in some form it is the responsibility of us all" (NPW 8,9).

Eze 3:22

Cp Eze 8:4: idolatry of nation.

Eze 3:27

I WILL OPEN YOUR MOUTH: Temporary dumbness would lead to a greater importance when he did speak again. Also, acting out by signs the message of God.

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