Vv 4,5: An enemy would invade Egypt, slay many of her people,
take away her wealth, and tear down her national foundations. Her neighbor
Ethiopia (Cush, Nubia) would despair when this happened because Ethiopia had
strong ties to Egypt. Egypt's other allies would also fall: Put (on the African
coast of the southern Red Sea), Lud (Lydia in Anatolia), Arabia, and Libya
(farther west on the Mediterranean coast of Africa).
Eze 30:5
ARABIA: "Arabia" (Heb ha'arab) translates one pointing
of the Hebrew text while "mixed people" (Heb ha'ereb) renders another. Men from
Put, Lud, Arabia, and other countries served Egypt as mercenary soldiers (cf.
27:10; Jer. 25:20, 24; 46:9, 21), and they may be the "mixed people" in view, if
that is the correct reading. The Judeans who had fled to Egypt from the
Babylonians would have suffered too, and they would have been part of this
"mixed people."