The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Joshua 4

Jos 4:1

See Lesson: Jordan River.

Jos 4:3

TWELVE STONES: A picture of baptism: 12 stones in river = death in baptism (v 9). 12 stones from river = resurrection to newness of life (v 8). John the Baptist prob referred to these in Mat 3:9: "Of these stones God can raise up children to Abraham." Cp 12 apostles, one (Peter) a "stone", taken out of Jordan at baptism, to be foundation stones of New Jerusalem (Rev 21:14) (WGos 159).

WHERE THE PRIESTS STOOD: Christ the great priest stood firm in midst of Jordan (the river of life and death), driving back the descending waters as far as Adam!

Jos 4:10

The ark (repr Christ) was necessary to hold back the waters of death and allow Israel to enter the land of promise.

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