The Agora
Bible Commentary
2 Chronicles

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2 Chronicles 30

2Ch 30:1

"A solemn festival is revived by Hezekiah, to an extent unprecedented since the days of Solomon (v 36). Hezekiah opened the doors of the House of Yahweh which Ahaz had shut up (2Ch 28:24). They cleansed the sanctuary in 16 days (2Ch 29:17). It was now too late to keep the passover at the proper time in the first month, so they observed it in the second month as the Law permitted (2Ch 30:7; Num 9:10-11). So [1] The impending passover is proclaimed: vv 1-9. [2] Hezekiah's appeal rejected in Israel: vv 10-11. [3] Judah accepts enthusiastically: v 12. [4] The great passover: vv 13-22. [5] A further seven days' worship: vv 23-25. [5] Joy in heaven and on earth: vv 26,27.

"This took place in the first year of Hezekiah whilst the northern kingdom was still standing, but the insecurity of Hoshea's reign permitted Hezekiah to make an approach to the north, without retaliation. Hoshea may even have permitted and encouraged it. But the appeal met with little success in the north. The majority were too immersed in folly to take heed (2Ki 17:15). But Judah responded enthusiastically, recognising the circumstances that God had brought upon them, and because they were better educated in the 'word of Yahweh' (v 12). In spite of irregularities the worship was accepted because of the sincerity of the people, and the intercession of the king (v 18). The tremendous enthusiasm generated in the people as they experienced the great joy of divine service and communion. They felt the need for further such experience and another seven days are spent together (v 23). The final verse of the ch is a token of the great worship of the millennium. The people confer the name of Yahweh upon the nation, joining them as one with their God, and providing for joy in heaven" (GEM).

See Lesson, Hezekiah's Passover (2Ch 30).

Hezekiah commenced his reformation as soon as he came to the throne, but there was not enough time to cleanse the house for the Passover in the first month; thus he used the provision of the law which allowed for the Passover to be kept in the second month. This allowed time for those who wished to come from the northern kingdom to share in the Passover (v 6). Thus Hezekiah -- just before the northern kingdom went into captivity -- showed a great spirit of reconciliation, which probably encouraged many from Israel to align themselves with Judah in days to come. (We have been given "the ministry of reconciliation" -- 2Co 5:18. May we manifest the character of Hezekiah in this respect towards our brethren.)

2Ch 30:3

NOT ENOUGH PRIESTS HAD CONSECRATED THEMSELVES: We should put in a considerable degree of effort to prepare ourselves to meet the Lord each time we go to our Breaking of Bread -- and surely at other times too (for prayer, for example). It is only by doing so that we might be able to present ourselves before him acceptably. Although we are under a different law and regime than the Israelites were, this principle of preparation, common in the law, may serve as our guide nonetheless.

2Ch 30:14

Even in the capital of Judah there was false worship.

2Ch 30:15

THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES WERE ASHAMED: Were the priests ashamed because it took them somewhat longer than the people to rise to this momentous occasion (cp 2Ch 29:36)? Or was it simply a realization of the extent of the sin of the people?

2Ch 30:20

AND HEALED THE PEOPLE: The sw is used 4 times in the healing of leprosy: Lev 13:18,37; 14:3,48. (Had the breaking of the law of Passover brought a plague from God upon the people? Cp Num 14:37; 16:48; 25:8,9; Exo 12:13.)

2Ch 31:1

ASHERAH: See Lesson, Asherah.

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