Concerning Athaliah (2Ch 22): "The influence of a woman over a
man may be tremendous, either for good or evil. It is a power that is unique.
Applied in the right direction it can work wonders of transformation, and the
quiet operation of this power for good may be many a woman's crown of salvation.
But it is a two-edged sword and Athaliah portrays the other edge. How important,
then, is marriage 'only in the Lord'!" (GVG).
2Ch 22:2
TWENTY-TWO: The KJV has 42, which is plainly incorrect
(2Ki 8:26). Ahaziah's father, Jehoram, had died at 40 (cp 2Ch 21:20) -- so it is
impossible that Ahaziah could have been 42 at that time!