1. From heaven
Out of the abyss
2. With 7 horns and 7 eyes
With 7 heads, 10 horns
3. King of kings and Lord of lords
Crowns on his horns
4. His name is called The Word of God
Full of names of blasphemy
5. the Lamb associated with Four Cherubim
Composite beast: leopard, bear, lion, dragon
6. The Father's power committed to the Son
The Dragon gave him authority
7. "A Lamb as it had been slain"
Wounded to death
8. "I am he that liveth and was dead"
Deadly wound healed
9. "He opened his mouth and taught them, saying..."
Opened his mouth in blasphemy
10. Michael: Who is like God? "Who shall fear thee, O
Who is like unto the Beast?
11. Reigns 100 years
Power 42 months
12. With righteousness he doth judge and make war
Makes war with the saints
13. Redeemed out of every kindred and tongue and people and
Power over all kindreds, tongues, nations
14. Every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth
worships the Lamb
All that dwell on the earth worship him
15. His Father's name in their foreheads
The mark of the Beast in right hand or forehead
16. The number of Jesus: 888
The number of Man: 666
17. Great multitude which no man could number
Great multitude which no man could number
18. Which is, and was, and is to come
A Beast which was, and is not, and yet is, and goes into
19. Armies in heaven upon white horses
The Beast, and the kings of the earth, and their
20. A pure river of water of life
Cast into the lake of fire
21. The marriage supper of the Lamb
All the fowls of heaven called to eat the flesh of captains
and kings
22. The cherubim rest not day and night, saying, Holy, Holy,
They rest not day nor night, who worship the Beast
23. Has the keys of Death and Hell
The Dragon shut up, chained, in abyss
24. The true Elijah prophet as forerunner
The False Prophet
25. Fire out of heaven devoured them
Fire from heaven in the sight of men