The Agora
Bible Commentary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


1. Introduction: Rev 1:1-20

a) Prologue: Rev 1:1-3
b) Greeting and doxology: Rev 1:4-8

2. Letters to the 7 churches: Rev 2:1 - 3:22

a) Jesus the author: Rev 1:9-20
b) To Ephesus: Rev 2:1-7
c) To Smyrna: Rev 2:8-11
d) To Pergamum: Rev 2:12-17
e) To Thyatira: Rev 2:18-27
f) To Sardis: Rev 3:1-6
g) To Philadelphia: Rev 3:7-13
h) To Laodicea: Rev 3:14-22

3. The throne, the scroll and the lamb: Rev 4:1 - 5:14

a) The throne in heaven: Rev 4:1-11
b) The scroll that no-one could open: Rev 5:1-4
c) The lamb who would open the scroll: Rev 5:6-14

4. Opening the seven seals: Rev 6:1 - 8:1

5. The seven trumpets: Rev 8:2 - 11:19

6. Various portents and beasts: Rev 12:1 - 14:20

a) The woman and the dragon: Rev 12:1-17
b) Two beasts: Rev 13:1-18
c) The lamb, 144,000 redeemed and harvesting the earth: Rev 14:1-20

7. The seven bowls: Rev 15:1 - 16:21

8. The judgment of Babylon the great prostitute: Rev 17:1 - 19:4

9. The triumph of the lamb: Rev 19:5 - 20:15

a) Hallelujah: Rev 19:6-10
b) The rider on a white horse: Rev 19:11-21
c) The 1,000 years: Rev 20:1-10
d) Judgement of the dead: Rev 20:11-15

10. New heavens and new earth: Rev 21:1 - 22:21


See Lesson, Rev, date of.
See Lesson, Rev, OT mosaic.
See Lesson, Arena of Bible history and prophecy.
See Lesson, "Land" or "earth"?
See Lesson, Ezekiel-Revelation pattern.
See Lesson, Rev in the first century, interpreting.
See Lesson, Rev, certain, probable, and possible.
See Lesson, Rev, a framework for understanding the.
See Lesson, Rev, sevens and seven sevens.
See Lesson, Rev, you can do it!


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