FAIL THE TEST: The word "adokimos" is translated
"reprobate" (Rom 1:28; 2Co 13:5-7, 2Ti 3:8; Tit 1:16), "castaway" (1Co 9:27),
and "rejected" (Heb 6:8). It is used to describe a counterfeit coin, deficient
as to weight or quality of metal. It is also used, figuratively, to describe a
cowardly soldier who fails the test of battle; a candidate rejected for office;
and a stone rejected by the builders. In each case, that which is "reprobate"
has promised something by its outward appearance which it cannot deliver! It
has, perhaps, a "name to live", but it is dead -- like clouds that promise rain,
but give none; like stars in the heavens that appear fixed, but prove to be
"wandering stars", or meteors.
2Co 13:11
Cp farewell exchanges by priests as they leave Temple after
evening sacrifice (Temple 146).
AIM FOR PERFECTION: "Katartizo" = to complete
thoroughly. That is, "strive to be spiritually prepared or trained."
2Co 13:14
established among believers (Act 2:42) by the work of the Holy Spirit (FCE 3).