Summary: This second letter to the church at Corinth was
written after Paul had made a "painful" and unsuccessful visit to the small
church in an attempt to give instruction and guidance on several divisive
issues. Upon learning that a majority of members had repented, he wrote to them
the second time. The letter gives encouragement, yet teaches of the suffering
that each member must face for the Lord Jesus' sake. He concludes by stating
when he is weakest, then God is able to work through him most powerfully. This
letter was, in all likelihood, written about six months after the first letter
to the Corinthians.
Key verse: "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though
God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be
reconciled to God" (2Co 5:20).
1. Greeting and thanksgiving: 2Co 1:1-11
2. Paul's explanation of his conduct and ministry: 2Co 1:12
- 7:16
a) His motives: 2Co 1:12-2:4
b) Forgiving the offender at Corinth: 2Co
c) God's direction in his ministry: 2Co
d) The Corinthian believers: a letter from Christ: 2Co
e) Seeing the glory of God: 2Co 3:12-4:6
f) Treasure in clay jars: 2Co 4:7-16a
g) The prospect of death for a Christian: 2Co
h) The ministry of reconciliation: 2Co 5:11 -
i) A spiritual father's appeal to his children: 2Co 6:11
- 7:4
j) The meeting with Titus: 2Co 7:5-16
3. The collection for the Christians at Jerusalem: 2Co
a) Generosity encouraged: 2Co 8:1-15
b) Titus and his companions sent to Corinth: 2Co
c) Results of generous giving: 2Co 9:6-15
4. Paul's vindication of his apostolic authority: 2Co
a) Paul's defense of his authority: 2Co 10
b) Paul forced into foolish boasting: 2Co 11 -
5. Final warnings and conclusion: 2Co 13
a) Final warnings: 2Co 13:1-10
b) Conclusion: 2Co 13:11-14