1Ch 15 outlined: (1) David prepares to bring the ark from the
house of Obed Edom to Jerusalem (vv 1-3); (2) David assembled the priests for
the task (vv 4-11); (3) David speaks to the Levites about bringing the ark to
Zion (vv 12-16); (4) The singers appointed (vv 17-24); (5) David brought the ark
to Zion (vv 25-28); (6) Michael, David's wife, Saul's daughter, despised David
(v 29).
1Ch 15:2
The lesson of 1Ch 13:11.
1Ch 15:13
"We see here an interesting series of lessons. First, we must
do things the way that God has decreed; and second, we must accept this even if
we feel it is not necessary. David was angered by the breach which God brought
upon Uzzah for touching the ark when it was not his place to do so, but this
chapter shows how the man after God's own heart puts aside his own emotions on
the matter and accepts that God's law must not be challenged. This is a very
great lesson that we should all learn to counter the arrogance of thinking that
we know better than God" (PC).
1Ch 15:20
ALAMOTH: "Alamoth" is the plural of "alma", which may
mean: a hidden one, a covered one, or a virgin (Isa 7:14; Gen 24:43; Exo
According to Thirtle, in his work "The Titles of the Psalms",
"Alamoth" appears as a subscription -- or "postscript" of Psa 45 (not as it
SEEMS to be: a superscription -- or "introduction" -- of Psa 46).
Probably this means that Psa 45 was assigned to be sung by a
choir of maidens (1Ch 15:20), or else they provided accompaniment for it. Such a
designation is appropriate to Psa 45, which was plainly a wedding hymn (Psa
45:9,14). The "maidens" described in the psalm (called also "kings' daughters"
and "honourable women": v 9) are the counterpart of the "daughters of Jerusalem"
or "Zion" in Song 1:5; 2:7; 3:5; etc.
And so there were, it is supposed, other psalms and temple
songs that were especially composed and prepared for the "maidens'
1Ch 15:21
SHEMINITH: "Sheminith" is the plural of the Hebrew for
"eight, or the eighth". Possibly (this can only be guesswork!) it was used here
as a reference to circumcision, performed on the eighth day (Gen 17:12; Lev
12:3; Luk 1:59; 2:21; Act 7:8; Phi 3:5). Since, of course, males only were
circumcised, this may indicate a "male choir" -- the counterpart of the
"maidens' choir". And of course, other psalms and temple songs were especially
arranged to be sung by the males.
1Ch 15:29
that we saw Michal at a window she was lowering David down to escape the wrath
of her father (1Sa 19:12). On that occasion she risked her life for her husband.
On this occasion she 'despised him in her heart'. David had grown spiritually
whilst he was away from her. She had degenerated spiritually. So the wilderness
was a better growing environment that the court of the king" (PF).