2Sa 20: The spirit of revolt, rebellion, schism. "Civil war
sweeps Israel. David realises that his own failure in regard to Bathsheba had
continued to affect his circumstances. The internecine controversy between the
tribes gave opportunity for any turbulent spirit to attempt to renew the
rebellion of Absalom and multitudes flooded to the standard of revolt. The
meanest man may pull down a wall, set fire to a palace, or whisper slander about
the King. The remarkable thing is that whilst society realises this, it is ready
to lend an ear to every wicked speaker who arises, insisting upon the old and
detestable sophism that although the report may not be wholly and literally
true, there must be some foundation in it. So the record sets out: [1] Sheba
raises the standard of revolt: vv 1,2. [2] David commissions Amasa to crush the
rebellion: vv 3-5. [3] Amasa is murdered: vv 8-13. [4] Sheba besieged in Abel:
vv 14,15. [5] Fear in the city: vv 16-22. [6] David's standing restored: vv
23-25. The king's position was now established beyond doubt. And there is little
doubt that, but for Joab, Sheba's revolt may have been successful. David's hands
were tied in regard to any retaliation against Joab by his own folly in the
matter of Uriah" (GEM).
2Sa 20:3
WIDOWS: In this case, "widows" of a living
2Sa 20:8
Such a sword, held by girdle in a near-horizontal position (IBD).