The Agora
Bible Commentary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Time: 520 - 490 BC.

The title of this book comes from its traditional writer, as is true of all the prophetic books of the Old Testament. The name "Zechariah" (lit "Yahweh remembers") was a common one among the Israelites identifying as many as 27 different individuals in the OT. It was an appropriate name for the writer of this book because it explains that Yahweh remembers His chosen people and His promises and will be faithful to them. This Zechariah was the son of Berekiah, the son of Iddo (Zec 1:1,7; cf Ezra 5:1; 6:14; Neh 12:4,16).

Zechariah, like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, was both a prophet and a priest. He was obviously familiar with priestly things (cf Zec 3; 6:9-15; 9:8,15; 14:16,20,21). Since he was a young man when he began prophesying (Zec 2:4), he was probably born in Babylonian captivity and returned to Palestine in 536 BC with Zerubbabel and Joshua. He became a leading priest in the restoration community succeeding his grandfather, Iddo, who also returned from captivity in 536 BC, as the leader of his priestly family (Neh 12:4,16). His father, Berekiah (Zec 1:1,7) evidently never became prominent.

Summary: Zechariah was a younger contemporary of Haggai. He also encouraged the people to rebuild the Temple. Like Daniel and Revelation, this book contains apocalyptic visions, and detailed references to the coming Messiah. The book concludes with descriptions of the enemies of Jerusalem being judged and of the future glory of God's kingdom.

Key verse: "Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey" (Zec 9:9).


1. Introduction: The call to repent: Zec 1:1-6

2. The night visions: Zec 1:7-6:8

a) Vision of the horses: Zec 1:7-17
b) Vision of the horns and craftsmen: Zec 1:18-21
c) Vision of the surveyor: Zec 2:1-13
d) Vision of Joshua the high priest: Zec 3:1-10
e) Vision of the golden lampstand and two olive trees: Zec 4:1-14
f) Vision of the flying scroll: Zec 5:1-4
g) Vision of the woman in a basket: Zec 5:5-11
h) Vision of the four chariots: Zec 6:1-8

3. The crowning of Joshua: Zec 6:9-15

4. Questions concerning fasting: Zec 7:1-8:23

a) The question: Zec 7:1-3
b) The lesson from history: Zec 7:4-14
c) God's purpose of blessing for Israel: Zec 8:1-23

5. The future of the nations, Israel and Messiah's kingdom: Zec 9:1 - 14:21

a) The first oracle: Zec 9:1-11:17
b) The second oracle: Zec 12:1-14:21


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