The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 46

Isa 46:1

Vv 1-13: "Bel, bow down!" The great ct between Yahweh and the gods of Assyria. (Note: Cyrus prayed to the same gods as did the Babylonians!).

BEL: A Babylonian god (cp Baal), usually identified with Marduk or Merodach, the chief deity of the Babylonians (ISBE).

NEBO: "The name of a Babylonian deity mentioned only in Isa 46:1... Nebo was the tutelary deity of the ancient city of Borsippa, some 15 miles ssw of Babylon. He achieved great popularity throughout Mesopotamia and the surrounding regions during the 1st millennium BC. The name of this god appears as an element in at least three Babylonian names mentioned in the OT: the great king Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian official Nebushazban, and the military commander Nebuzaradan" (ABD).

STOOPS LOW: Nebo, always pictured as straight as an arrow, is caused by God to "stoop": cp fate of Dagon in 1Sa 5:3,4.

THE IMAGES THAT ARE CARRIED ABOUT: Cp v 7. These idols have to be carried by their devotees; but -- by ct -- Yahweh carries His people (Isa 46:3; Deu 1:31; 32:11) -- not the other way around!

Isa 46:3

Figure of mother and children in Isaiah: Isa 8:3,4; 11:8; 26:17,18; 28:9; 45:10,11; 46:3,4; 49:15,20-23; 54:1; 60:16; 66:11-13.

Isa 46:6

GOLD... SILVER: "Sin" is always a costly enterprise!

Isa 46:10

MY PURPOSE WILL STAND, AND I WILL DO ALL THAT I PLEASE: The irresistible Assyrian invasion (Isa 8:7,8; 10:5,6), the futility of all statecraft to cope with the situation (Isa 8:9,11,12; 30:1-5), the catastrophic overthrow and sensational deliverance (Isa 14:25; 17:11-14; 30:30,31; etc). And, furthermore, the "pleasure" of the LORD in rendering salvation through Christ (Isa 53:10,11).

Isa 46:11

A BIRD OF PREY... FROM A FAR-OFF LAND: Sennacherib himself: Since God "called" him, God could also defeat him.

Isa 46:13

MY SALVATION WILL NOT BE DELAYED: "Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay" (Hab 2:3), a contemporary.
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