The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 56

Isa 56:1

Isa 56: The fulfillment of Isa 55:6,7: "Seek the LORD": now eunuchs and Gentiles seek the LORD at Jerusalem...

MY SALVATION IS CLOSE AT HAND: The gospel = the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16,17) -- to Jew AND to Gentile!

Isa 56:3

The "foreigner who has bound himself to the LORD" (Isa 56:3) suggests the Gibeonites, willing to be hewers of wood and drawers of water (Jos 9:27). "There are indications that in Hezekiah's time the temple staff of such Nethinim -- that is, those given or appointed to service of Yahweh -- was augmented by the capture of Assyrian and Egyptian prisoners, and also by the gifts of slaves which neighboring countries sent to Hezekiah after the Assyrian overthrow (Isa 14:1-3; 45:14; 18:7; 2Ch 32:23; Psa 76:11)" (WIsa).

THE LORD WILL SURELY EXCLUDE ME FROM HIS PEOPLE: As in Deu 23:3. But cp the eunuch's question: "What hinders me?" (Act 8:36).

EUNUCH: Christ was a "eunuch" (Isa 53:8)!

I AM ONLY A DRY TREE: But God makes the dry tree to flourish (Eze 17:24; Psa 52:8), while unfruitful Israel is caused to wither away (Mar 11:17,20).

Isa 56:4

PLEASES... HOLD FAST: Heb "chaphets" (as in Hephzibah) and "chazaq" (as in Hezekiah).

Isa 56:5

AN EVERLASTING NAME: Implying resurrection.

Isa 56:6

FOREIGNERS: The Ethiopian eunuch (Act 8) was a foreigner as well as a eunuch.

Isa 56:7

A HOUSE OF PRAYER: Not just a house where prayer is offered -- which is true enough -- but also a "house" (a spiritual house) built up by and consisting of prayers offered by many individuals. With our prayers we "build" this "house" in which God dwells.

ALL NATIONS: Not just Gentiles along with Jews, but "eunuchs" as well (v 4)!

Isa 56:8

I WILL GATHER STILL OTHERS: "Other sheep, not of this fold" (Joh 10:16).

Isa 56:9

Even in the midst of Hezekiah's stirring reforms, there is described here the utter corruption of priests and prophets. This carries on into Isa 57, with descriptions of the gross Canaanite idolatries (introduced by Ahaz).

COME, ALL YOU BEASTS OF THE FIELD: One of the consequences of Israel's rejection of God was the bringing of Gentile "beasts" upon the nation. Cp Jer 12:9.

Isa 56:10

The "watchmen" of Israel: blind, ignorant, dumb, slumbering, drunken.

DOGS: Cp the grievous wolves, not sparing the flock (Act 20:29-31).

Isa 56:11

EACH SEEKS HIS OWN GAIN: "Hirelings" -- not shepherds -- of the flock (Joh 10:13).

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