The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 47

Isa 47:1

Isa 47: See Lesson, Babylon = Assyria. Judgments promised upon Assyria, in days of Isaiah. (But did it come? Perhaps it was deferred, as by the repentance of Nineveh in the days of Jonah: cp Jon 3:9,10. Did Sennacherib learn from this?)

TENDER OR DELICATE: Terms used ironically?

Isa 47:2

TAKE MILLSTONES AND GRIND FLOUR: Degrading duty of a female slave (LB 427). Cp Samson in Jdg 15:21.

TAKE OFF YOUR VEIL: Removal of covering of modesty (1Co 11:15).

LIFT UP YOUR SKIRTS... (through v 3)...: Successive steps involved in going into captivity, or fleeing from capture.

Isa 47:4

Or, "A man is our redeemer; the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel" (WIsa 420).

Isa 47:5

SIT IN SILENCE: Posture of mourning: Job 2:13; Lam 2:10.

GO INTO DARKNESS: "And his kingdom was plunged into darkness" (Rev 16:10).

Isa 47:6

"Terribly true of the cruel Assyrians... but not at all true of the Babylonian captivity, when Judaean captives were able to build houses, plant gardens, and have families (Jer 29:5,6)" (WIsa 417).

Isa 47:8

THERE IS NONE BESIDES ME: The ultimate blasphemy (cp Isa 46:9).

I WILL NEVER BE A WIDOW: "I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn" (Rev 18:7).

Isa 47:11

DISASTER WILL COME UPON YOU, AND YOU WILL NOT KNOW...: "While people are saying, 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape" (1Th 5:3).

Isa 47:12

Vv 12,13: Pretentious, man-made, man-glorifying religions.

Isa 47:15

AND TRAFFICKED WITH... NOT ONE THAT CAN SAVE YOU: "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more" (Rev 18:11).
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