James 5
Jam 5:1
YOU RICH PEOPLE: Who can scarcely enter Kingdom: Mat
Jam 5:3
AND EAT YOUR FLESH: Strong language, taken from the
curses to which Israel agreed: Lev 26:29; Deu 28:53.
Jam 5:4
of withholding wages draws on the prohibitions of the Law of Moses: Lev 19:13;
Deu 24:14.
THE CRIES OF THE HARVESTERS: The cries of those who are
oppressed draws on Deu 24:15.
Jam 5:7
BE PATIENT: "I am convinced that life is 10 percent
what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it" (Charles Swindoll).
"One moment of patience may ward off a great disaster; one
moment of impatience may ruin a whole life" (Chinese proverb).
UNTIL: See Lesson, AN, Conditional deferment.
THE LORD'S COMING: See Lesson, "Parousia".
If I can be sure, when the time finally comes for the Great
High Priest to return from the Most Holy Place bringing the final blessing....
that I'll still be here, waiting at my post, rejoicing in the tribulations which
I endure, and having learned patience.... real PATIENCE...... enough for a
lifetime, of broken hearts and broken dreams [sounds like a country western
song, doesn't it?], of hurt feelings, of resentments, of disappointments, of
bitterness, of ailments and illnesses, of the gradual and insidious decline of
all my human powers, and the frustrations of coming short time and again of what
I would like to be, but can't quite be, of asking forgiveness for the 490th time
for the same sins, of forgiving others for the same number of times.... without
throwing up my hands and walking away from the door of the temple. Out into the
howling waste of a wilderness of snakes and scorpions -- where there is no hope
and no life and no love... the wilderness where Judas went, and Cain, and Saul,
and a million others -- who could not truly believe that the High Priest was
coming to bring them the last great blessing. Yes, if I can only wait... long
enough... then "I WILL BE saved" will turn into "I AM saved"! God give me
strength enough to wait... that long. And I won't even care whether that
strength should be called the Holy Spirit or something else...
COMING: "Parousia" = a being alongside, demanding a
physical presence: 2Th 2:1; 3:13; 2Pe 3:4,12.
Jam 5:8
COMING: See Lesson, "Parousia".
Jam 5:10
duties in the Truth, we must be actuated by a higher motive than that of present
success. Whether men will hear or forbear, through evil report or good report,
we must steadily and cheerfully go on. God more frequently than not permits our
labors to be fruitless. 'How few receive with cordial faith the tidings which we
bring.' We think of the labour and expense in our big and little efforts, and
the infinitesimal results.
"Our failures, too, are not confined to the alien. How often
is the faithful word of warning, of counsel, of reproof, treated with heartless
contempt by professors in the household? Yes, there is now but little success;
failure is the rule.
"Yet so far as the obedient are concerned, it is not really
failure, for by means of it inconceivable good is being evolved. This will be
apparent when the day arrives for the manifestation of the sons of God. Even the
offense given, the misunderstanding created, the enmity and bitterness evoked,
aid in developing the sufferings which teach obedience and bring perfection.
Christ's service calls for the exhibition of patience and long-suffering. These
virtues can only be cultivated by turning a deaf ear to the likes and dislikes
of man and performing our duties as unto Christ, who is at the head of affairs,
manipulating them as His wisdom sees fit. In our trials, let us think of
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and all the prophets, who through their patient
endurance have earned the praise of God (Jam 5:10). Let us pray with Paul that
we may be 'strengthened with all might, according to His (God's) glorious power
unto all patience and long-suffering and with joyfulness' (Col 1:11)"
Jam 5:13
IN TROUBLE: "Kakopatheo" = an "affliction" (KJV) or
trial or hardship (cp 2Ti 1:8; 2:3,9).
HE SHOULD PRAY: "A business magazine published an
account of a most successful salesman who maintained his efficiency by putting
himself through a kind of catechism every morning, to impress upon his mind the
excellence of his proposition and his determination to be successful. Perhaps
his example might, with advantage, be followed on a higher plane of thought. Men
may exhort themselves sometimes more effectively than they can be exhorted.
There is a very real wisdom in the institution of special evening and morning
prayer, for it is at those times that the mind is most plastic, and habits of
thought most easily formed. Let a man deliver his evening prayer from the heart,
and then, dismissing worldly thoughts woo sleep by thinking about the kingdom of
God, and his mind will be in the right condition for the silent night's work of
renovation. It is by the encouragement of such ennobling thoughts that the
positive habits are formed and evil habits are excluded" (ConCon 140).
Jam 5:14
SICK: //1Co 11:30; Rom 5:6 ("weak" = asthenes, with no
strength). Prob a physical sickness, poss the result of a spiritual illness.
Mental, moral sickness are often related to physical sickness.
HE SHOULD CALL: It is alright to seek help! One does
not necessarily need to "suffer in silence".
THE ELDERS OF THE CHURCH: The elders at Jerusalem were
the apostles, given special powers by Christ (Mar 6:13; Act 9:40).
ANOINT HIM WITH OIL: Only one other NT instance of
anointing with oil: Mar 6:13. Cp anointing with clay (Joh 9:11). In OT, ref
consecration of Aaron and sons (Exo 29:21; 40:13-15). [The Catholic "extreme
unction" is for those who are about to die, not to bring recovery!]
Jam 5:15
SICK: "Kamno" = to toil or labor; thus the weary or
faint (cp Heb 12:3). Not sw as in v 14. (Poss, again -- but not necessarily --
the result of sin.)
Jam 5:16
Christ takes our weariness and burdens upon himself: Mat
THE PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN: "Prayer has two main
purposes: all else is secondary. (1) Thanksgiving -- perpetual moment-to-moment
thankfulness for everything: for to the eye of faith and love all is glorious,
all is joyful. And (2) Seeking help to know right and think right and do right
-- in every circumstance, every condition. Get these on track as a fixed way of
life, and all else will flow in a mighty, irresistible stream of goodness"