The Agora
Bible Commentary
2 Kings

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2 Kings 24

2Ki 24:1

2Ki 24: "In his 4th year, Nebuchadnezzar sent his forces against the kingdom of Jehoiakim because he had rebelled against Babylon. He was followed by Jehoiachin, originally known as Coniah (Jer 22:23). Jerusalem was besieged at that time (v. 10). Apparently at the first onslaught of the Babylonian army, Jehoiachin and his mother 'humbled themselves' and capitulated. He was carried away to Babylon, at which time also Ezekiel was taken (Eze 1:2), and Mordecai (Est 2:6). Jehoiachin lived there for 37 years. Meanwhile, Zedekiah was appointed by Nebuchadnezzar (2Ki 24:17-20), and continued the reign of evil" (GEM).

2Ki 24:3

Whilst all the troubles in the days of Jehoiakim seem to be quite natural events they were "of the Lord". The nation had arrived at a time when there was "no remedy" (2Ch 36:16); the destruction of the temple was inevitable.

2Ki 24:6

JEHOIAKIM RESTED WITH HIS FATHERS: Details of death in 2Ch 36:16; Eze 19:9; Jer 22:18,19; 36:30.

2Ki 24:8

NEHUSHTA: The mother of Jehoiachin has the same name that Hezekiah used contemptuously of the bronze serpent (2Ki 18:4).

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