1Sa 13: "Only two years into his reign found the weakness of
Saul as king over Israel. He brings disgrace upon his family and distress in the
nation by a rash demand. As a result Samuel warns Saul that he is to be replaced
as monarch. The record continues: [1] Jonathan attacks the Philistines (vv 1-4).
[2] The Philistines mass their forces (v 5). The tremendous force is so much out
of proportion to the cavalry, that is has been thought that the 30,000 should be
listed as 3,000. [3] Saul's forces desert (vv 6,7). [4] Saul's faith fails (vv
8-10). The consistent weakness of the king is again manifested as each day
passes. [5] Saul is rejected as Yahweh's representative (vv 11-14). The smoking
sacrifices, the small group of fear-stricken men, the worried king, now had to
face the anger of the stern resolute prophet. [6] Saul in Gibeah(vv 15,16). The
triumph of the Philistines made Saul a refugee in his own kingdom. [7] The
Philistines ravage the land (vv 17,18). Bands of the enemy ranged the
countryside giving themselves over to pillage and destruction, bringing the
people into fear. [8] Israel's humiliation (vv 19-23). The whole nation is now
destitute as they saw their enemy take courage and dominate. The folly of the
king had led his people into fear" (GEM).
1Sa 13:11
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?: Cp Gen 3:13r.
trusting in numbers rather than in God.
1Sa 13:14
YOUR KINGDOM WILL NOT ENDURE: Saul was still king, but
his descendants would not rule Israel. Even Saul himself was later rejected (1Sa
15:23) in favor of David. But had Saul not failed, even then his grandsons, etc
(perhaps sons of daughter Michal by David) might have reigned in Israel. Note,
however, that Michal was childless (2Sa 6:23) -- so that there was no chance of
any of Saul's line continuing on the throne in their role as sons of
We must sharpen all our "weapons" for the spiritual warfare
(Eph 6:10-18). Even the mundane tools of the everyday world may be put to use as
"weapons" in this "warfare".
1Sa 13:21
TWO THIRDS OF A SHEKEL: "A pim" (mg). Recent
excavations found that an ancient coin weight called a "pym," which was used
exclusively during the Israelite settlement period, was apparently the payment
for the service of sharpening. Cp LB 322.