Gen 6: "The glory of redemption notwithstanding the wickedness
of society is revealed. The ch repeats the story of the transgression of Eden.
It is brought about by the adulterous union of the races which leads to the
greatest calamity history has known. But the flood is not only an act of
judgment, but also of mercy. Left to himself, man would have brought destruction
anyhow (v 13), and would have involved the righteous in the calamity. Divine
intervention prevented this. Notice the three inspections by the divine eyes: vv
3, 5,12, and cp with the three inspections of the leprous house (Lev 14:33-35).
So the world that then was perished, and so will present day society. For that
reason, we keep apart from all the contamination of a godless world in every
respect, and set our hearts to follow the example of righteous Noah"
Gen 6: The Flood. Reason?: Apostasy from the Truth.
"Un-creation" and "Re-creation"! Pre-Flood cities: Halley 72. "The like figure
whereunto baptism also now saves us" (1Pe 3:21).
Gen 6:2
Angels do not marry: Mat 22:30; Luk 20:35,36.
SONS OF GOD: The sons, or children, of God are those
who take God's name upon themselves: see Gen 4:26; Deu 14:1; 1Jo 3:1,2,10; Jer
10:20; Ezek 16:21; Joh 11:52; Hos 1:10; Rom 9:6-8; Joh 1:12,13; Rom 8:14,19; Mat
5:9,45. Note: it was man whom God decided to destroy, not angels.
BEAUTIFUL: "Tob" = 'good', sw as "good for food" in Gen
3:6. The lust of the flesh.
than marrying only in the Lord: Deu 7:3,4; 1Co 7:39. This association with the
world led to respectability and worldly compromise. Cp Israel's later corruption
by the Moabites (Num 25). Enoch condemns such marriages with aliens (Jud
1:14,15), and is rewarded by God for his faithful obedience (Gen 5:24; Heb
11:5,26). All the mingled seed of Seth and Cain was destroyed by the flood (Gen
Gen 6:3
120 YEARS: Noah's sons were already married (v 18). At
Flood, the oldest was already 100 (Gen 5:32; 7:6). This allows only 40-60 years
for the building of the ark (Sh 84:11:24).
Gen 6:4
NEPHILIM: A race of giants (Num 13:33). "Giants" (AV).
From root "to fall": (1) men of violence (vv 12,13: "to fall upon"), or (2)
"fallen ones", ie apostates.
HEROES: "Mighty men" (AV). "Ha-gibborim". Mighty men of
v 11; Gen 4:17. As Korah, etc (Num 16:2). After flood, a similar such man:
Nimrod, renowned for natural strength, leadership, achievement (Gen 10:8-10).
MEN OF RENOWN: "Enosh ha-shem".
Gen 6:5
Notice: God doesn't blame the devil!
THE LORD SAW (GOD SAW): Ct with v 2: the sons of God
Gen 6:6
GRIEVED: "Repented" in AV. May sig a change of purpose
also (ie Exo 32:14; 1Sa 15:11n; Deu 18:7,8; Jon 3:10). "I have decreed to
replace man with Noah's family."
FILLED WITH PAIN: "Grieved" in AV.
Gen 6:7
The only remedy for the world was a direct divine
A step-by-step inspection. Cp priest in a leprous house: Lev
Gen 6:8
NOAH FOUND FAVOR (GRACE): As did Jesus: Mat 3:7; Luk
Usually such an expression means: to have one's request
granted (cp Gen 19:19; 32:5; 33:10,15; 34:11). So what was Noah's petition? (1)
For the salvation of his family; (2) for further time to allow for the
repentance of others?
Gen 6:9
RIGHTEOUS (JUST): Being justified in Christ (Rom
SHEM: Mentioned first, though younger than Japheth (Gen
10:21). Cp 1Ch 5:1; Jer 18:7,8; Gen 49:4; Adam and Christ for same
Gen 6:12
HIS WAY: See Gen 3:24n.
Gen 6:13
VIOLENCE: sw "corrupt" in v 12. Extreme limit of human
sin and depravity. Man's ruin and God's remedy. "I will destroy sons of God
along with other men."
BOTH THEM AND THE EARTH: "Them with the earth"
CYPRESS WOOD (GOPHER WOOD): Wood, flesh, cut down in
sacrifice (cp crucifixion, tree) to provide a covering (kopher/protection) from
the waters of death. Christ, the "root" (Isa 53:2) was "cut off" (Dan 9:26).
Christ's sacrifice: "by which the world is crucified" (Gal 6:14).
ROOMS: "Kinnim". Heb "nests" (AV mg): cp Psa
COAT: "Pitch" (AV). Heb "kepher" or "kopher" =
covering, or atonement. Gal 3:26-29.
Gen 6:15
The common Heb cubit = approx 18 inches. Thus, measures as
* 300 cubits (AV) = 450 feet
* 50 cubits (AV) = 75 feet
* 30 cubits (AV) = 45 feet.
Approx size = 14,000 tons. Man constructed no larger ship than
the ark until the "Eturia" was built in 1884.
Gen 6:16
ROOF: "Window" (AV). An opening for light (NIV mg),
covered by some translucent substance. Ct Gen 8:6. Or left open underneath
overhead roof, for ventilation -- a continuous opening around vessel of a cubit
(approx 18 inches) width. Through this roof Noah and his family could look up
(Col 3:2)! Cp Joh 8:12 (Christ = light).
DOOR: Repr Christ (Joh 10:7,9; 14:6); there is only one
way into the ark of safety (1Pe 3:20,21; Act 4:11,12).
Gen 6:17
UNDER THE HEAVENS: A phrase suggesting the universality
of Yahweh's judgement: Gen 6:17; Exo 17:14; Deu 7:24; 9:14; 25:19; 29:20; 2Ki
14:27. The two NT references (Acts 4:12; Col 1:23) expand the theme to show that
the Father is indeed concerned with salvation for all mankind.
BREATH: "Ruach", ref both man and beast. "Ruach" is
translated "wind" in Gen 8:1; Psa 1:4; 104:29,30.
Gen 6:18
COVENANT: "Berith", first used here. Appears 8 times in
account of Noah: here; Gen 9:9,11,12,13,15,16,17. 8 persons saved. 8 sig new
beginning, after 7th day end of week. "The like figure... baptism", to be saved
by water to a new life, thru God's covenant, while all around us millions perish
(1Pe 3:20,21). "Berith" from root "bara", to cut, carve, ie pieces of
covenant-victim (Gen 15:9; Jer 34:18,19; Heb 9:15-17).
saved by own ark; Christ was saved by own sacrifice.
Gen 6:19
BRING: Noah "brought", or received, into ark what God
had gathered (v 20). (All earth then had a similar, temperate climate. Thus all
species were perhaps distributed over all earth, and could easily be assembled
in one place.)
TWO: In pairs: 7 pairs of clean; 1 pair of unclean (Gen
Gen 6:20
The animals repr mortal nations, over whom Noah and sons (typ
Christ and faithful saints) have dominion -- some holy, some unclean (cp Gen
Gen 6:21
Hibernation: to save food?
Gen 6:22
See Gen 7:5,9,16. "Noah, a preacher of righteousness" (2Pe
2:5). Cp Heb 11:7.