This is the second of the historical accounts of the first
century written by Luke. The Acts commences where the gospel record concludes,
at the time of the ascension of Jesus. Whilst the book is historical, it is a
great testimony to the Christians of the first century who withstood tremendous
difficulties in their endeavor to hold fast to their faith and to preach the
Jesus' ascension (Act 1:11): "This Jesus, who
was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go
into heaven."
The Day of Pentecost. Peter's
preaching with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the listeners' response is
very illuminating. "Brethren what shall we do? Repent said Peter, "Repent and be
baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of
your sins" (Act 2:37,38).
Stephen's trial for his
belief and faith. His stoning and his forgiveness. "Lord, do not hold this sin
against them" (Act 7:60).
The conversion of Saul
and his subsequent preaching of Jesus: "He is the Son of God" (Act
Peter and Cornelius -- the Gentile. God
has no favorites: " every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is
right is acceptable to Him" (Act 10:35).
turns to the Gentiles. "I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles that you
may bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth" (Act
The difficulties of the early Christians
in accepting the concept if Gentile salvation (Act 11:1-18), and partial
fulfillment of the Law of Moses (Act
Paul's journeys -- his stonings, his
preaching in all parts of Asia minor; his defense before Roman authorities; his
steadfast faith in the one whom he for some years
Paul's house arrest in Rome and his
continued enthusiasm for the preaching of the gospel (Act
The outstanding testimony of Peter, Stephen, Paul, Silas,
Barnabas and others (including Luke) is encouragement for Christ's followers to
stand up for their belief in him.
(Jerusalem is the center of operations in Acts 1-12; Antioch
the new center in Acts 13-28.)
1. Act 1:1-14: Jesus' ascension
2. Acts 1:15-26: A new apostle
3. Act 2:1-47: The Day of Pentecost
4. Act 3:1--5:42: The preaching of Peter and John
5. Act 6:1--8:3: Stephen's defense
6. Act 8:4-40: The preaching of Philip
7. Act 9:1-31: Saul's conversion
8. Act 9:32--11:21: Peter and Cornelius -- a Gentile
9. Act 11:22--12:25: Jerusalem and Antioch
10. Act 13:1--21:16: Paul, the apostle to the
(a) Act 13:1--15:39: First missionary journey
(b) Act 15:40--18:6: Second missionary journey
(c) Act 18:7--21:16: Third missionary journey
11. Act 21:17--26:32: The trial of Paul's faith
12. Act 27:1--28:31: Paul's journey to Rome