PETER AND JOHN: Age and youth associated together.
Peter and John mentioned together often in Acts, Peter always first.
have not yet banned from the Temple. They come to pray, not to offer
Act 3:2
A MAN CRIPPLED FROM BIRTH: Now about 40 years old (Act
4:22). Prohibited from entering Temple because of his disability (2Sa
gates were on every side, covered over with gold and silver... but there was one
gate that was outside the holy house, which was of Corinthian brass and greatly
excelled those that were only covered with gold and silver" (Josephus, Xdn
Act 3:3
Vv 3,4: A public beggar begs disinterestedly -- looking upon
all men as nothing but potential donors. Peter cuts through all this, and forces
the lame man to consider who they are.
The lame man asked for "ALMS" (KJV), but instead got
Act 3:5
SOMETHING FROM THEM: But little could he imagine just exactly WHAT -- and
exactly HOW MUCH! -- he would get!
Act 3:6
Notice: Apparently, the common fund (Act 2:44,45) was not used
for private charity.
SILVER AND GOLD I DO NOT HAVE: There were gates of gold
and silver, and an exceedingly Beautiful Gate (Acts 3:2) -- enormous wealth was
concentrated in the Temple of the Jews, but none of it did any good for the poor
lame man, who sat year after year in its shadow; none of it could deliver him
from his affliction.
"For you know that it was not with perishable things such as
silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to
you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without
blemish or defect" (1Pe 1:18,19).
Also compare Exo 20:23,24: "Do not make any gods to be
alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold. Make an
altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it... Wherever I cause my name to be
honored, I will come to you and bless you." The temple -- with all its gold and
silver -- though it was practically worshiped as a "god" by the devout Jews,
could not bring deliverance, or salvation, to the lame man. What could deliver
him was recourse to the simple "altar" of "earth" (human nature), which was
Jesus Christ. This plain and unadorned "altar" of flesh honored the name of his
Father and thus brought a blessing unattainable elsewhere!
The apostles had apparently provided no redemption money for
the Day of Atonement (Exo 30:12-14); they knew that their redemption -- even as
the healing of the lame man -- was in and through the precious blood of
JESUS... OF NAZARETH: Jesus had been despised, just as
a lame man would be.
WALK: "Rise up and walk" (AV).
"Rise up and walk": an overview of Eph: This is what Peter
said to the lame man at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple; and this is what Jesus
says to every believer. First, "Rise up." Then, "Walk." "Rise up" (Eph 1-3): see
esp Eph 2:5,6. "Walk" (Eph 4-6): the believer's life in the Truth.
Act 3:7
FEET: "Basis" = technical term, used by Luke only
(physician): sig part of foot directly beneath leg -- ie heel (Vincent).
BECAME STRONG: "Stereo": only here; v 16; Act
The splendid setting had done nothing to heal the man. But
there was One who was greater than the Temple (Mat 12:6)!
The lame man asked for "alms" but received "legs"!
Act 3:8
restoration (Isa 35:6). The one previously excluded from the temple (2Sa 5:8)
now leaps and dances in the presence of the LORD, as had David the king (2Sa 6).
WALKING AND JUMPING: The added miracle of an immediate
faculty of balance and control. God does not heal by halves!
Act 3:11
COLONNADE: "Porch" (KJV), "portico" (RSV).
Act 3:13
SERVANT: Not word for "son" ("huios"). "Pais": as in
Act 4:27,30: allusions to the Servant prophecies of Isaiah (Isa 42:1;
DISOWNED: "No king but Caesar" (Joh 19:15). Peter had
also disowned Christ.
Act 3:14
"You asked the life of a murderer, and murdered him who makes
They had before them "Cain" and "Abel", and they released
"Cain" while killing "Abel"! Cp the ritual of the two goats on the Day of
AUTHOR: "Archegos" = one who stands at the head of the
line: sw Heb 2:10. Cp Joseph in Gen 41:45.
WE ARE WITNESSES OF THIS: Cp Act 4:10; 5:30-32;
10:39-41; 13:28,29.
Act 3:16
BY FAITH IN THE NAME OF JESUS: Had this lame man heard
Jesus preach in this very place? Cp v 11 / Joh 10:23.
COMPLETE HEALING: "Holokleria", from "kleros", a lot,
one who has his full allotment.
Act 3:17
IGNORANCE: A partial, but not a perfect, ignorance.
More of a willful, stubborn ignorance.
Act 3:18
// Luke 24:25-27.
Act 3:19
REPENT: "Metanoeo" = be converted (AV).
SO THAT: Cause (repent) and effect (Christ's return).
Jesus had essentially said: "When Israel truly repents, then I will come" (Act
1:7,8). Cp 2Pe 3:9.
REFRESHING: "Anapsuxis" = to breathe again; ie a breath
of fresh air! Renewal and recreation, as in Gen 2:7. Here, a new and spiritual
creation, refreshed by a "sabbath" rest: Exo 31:17.
WIPED OUT: "Ekaleipho" = the erasure of handwriting:
"According to your great compassion blot out my transgressions" (Psa
Here is the ritual of the Day of Atonement: national
repentance, and then the expectation of High Priest returning from the Most Holy
Place, bringing a blessing from God (vv 19-21,26). Cp Psa 69:28; Jer 18:13; Isa
43:25; 44:22.
Act 3:20
Coming of Christ: central theme of apostles' preaching.
The High Priest going into most holy on Day of
SEND: Gr "apostello" = to send from or away, as v 26.
Jesus' stay in heaven, only temporary: Acts 1:11; John 14:3.
AND THAT HE MAY SEND: This is the correct translation:
God's sending His Son is dependent on the repentance of Israel. (AV simply has:
"and he shall send", which clouds the significance of the dependent
Heaven = Jesus' temporary dwelling place. He stays there until
God's appointed time: Psa 110:1,2; Heb 10:12,13; Phil 3:20.
Act 3:21
TO RESTORE: "Apokatastasis" = reestablishment from a
state of total ruin. Only here. Technically, the restoring to its proper place
of a dislocated joint (like that of the lame man!). "Restore" what? The Kingdom
to Israel (Acts 1:6). Then Jesus will sit on David's throne: Acts
Is this a quotation of Mar 9:12?: "Elijah does come first, and
RESTORES all things."
AS HE PROMISED LONG AGO: A single, consistent, eternal
Act 3:22
Cit Deu 18:15-19.
Act 3:23
"I myself will call him to account" (Deu 18:19).
Act 3:25
HEIRS... OF THE COVENANT: Lit, "sons of the covenant",
or "bnai brith" (cp Mat 8:12; 9:15; Luk 16:8). Christ is the
OFFSPRING: "Seed" (AV). Cp Gal 3:16,27-29.
BLESSED: Only here, Gal 3:8. The intensive of "eulogeo"
(v 26). Cit Gen 12:3.
Act 3:26
RAISED UP: that is, from Abraham's seed.
FIRST: First to the Jews, but also -- eventually, and
surely -- to the Gentiles: Mat 28:19; Mark 16:15; Rom 1:16; 2:9.