Ezra 10
Ezr 10:1
HIMSELF DOWN BEFORE THE HOUSE OF GOD: Severe distress and prayer are linked
together in 1Sa 1:10 and Neh 1:4 also. These, and other passages, demonstrate
that prayer is not just something which is undertaken standing in the meeting
room or around the meal table. The supreme example is the Lord Jesus: "He
offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could
save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission" (Heb
"Human life is a river which flows evenly along from day to
day; but it is a river like the Zambesi or the Congo, not without its rapids and
its falls. Usually it flows silently, but sometimes it dashes along with
impetuosity and uproar. So is it with our Christian life, with our religious
course. There are things exceptional as well as things ordinary and regular, for
which room must be made by ourselves and allowance by other people. There may
be, as here at this juncture in the life of Ezra and the returned Jews, a time
of exceptional exhibition of feeling. Ezra 'wept', ie, made lamentation, audible
and visible, in presence of all the people, and instead of standing or kneeling
he cast himself down, and lay prostrate in the temple court, in order to impress
on the multitude the strength of his feeling, and the critical character of the
present emergency. And his example proved contagious, for all the people 'wept
very sore', and there was a great and general outpouring of emotion. Ordinarily
our feelings are wisely kept under control. In this country we are, indeed, apt
to press this a few points too far, and let self-control pass into a chill or
cold reserve. But self-control gives force and dignity to character, and almost
anything is better than habitually giving way to tempestuous feeling. Men that
are constantly violent in their expression of feeling are disregarded if not
despised; they lose all influence over others; they expend themselves in
trifles, and have nothing in reserve for large occasions. But there are times
when feeling may be freely poured forth; when, as in Ezra's case, there is
urgent reason for exciting others to feel as we do; or when, as in the case of
the people, there is general fervour in which it would be unsympathising or
unpatriotic not to share. It is a very noble sight when a whole people mourns
with an honourable repentance, or arises in holy indignation, or braces itself
up to a generous struggle, or rejoices with a pure and holy joy. Then let
feeling swell to its highest tide; let it pour itself forth as 'the mighty waves
of the sea' " (Pulpit).
Ezr 10:3
TO SEND AWAY ALL THESE WOMEN: These were not true
wives: under the Law of Moses, a woman must become a true wife by betrothal.
That is, if the woman is an alien, she must observe Deu 21:10-14, or else she is
not really married.
alliances: Deu 7:2,3.