Author: John
Time: AD 85 - 95
Summary: This letter was probably written as a circular letter
to several communities who faced a common problem -- probably the beginnings of
the Gnostic heresy. John wants to restate the importance of leading a moral and
sinless life, avoiding the false teachings which would lead them away from the
grace of Christ, their advocate and atoning sacrifice. John repeatedly
encourages them to love one another and to hold their faith in the Son of
Key verse: "My dear children, I write this to you so that you
will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in
our defense -- Jesus Christ, the Righteous One" (1Jo 2:1).
1. Introduction: 1Jo 1:1-4
2. Walking in God's light: 1Jo 1:5 - 2:14
3. Warnings about the world and antichrists: 1Jo
4. God's love for his children and their response: 1Jo 2:28
- 5:21
a) Christians are children of God and should love: 1Jo
b) Test the spirits: 1Jo 4:1-6
c) God is love: 1Jo 4:7-21
d) Love for God's son gives life: 1Jo 5:1-21