The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Job 16

Job 16:2

MISERABLE: "Wearisome" (RV mg). Job's friends continue to propound same old theory. "I must reflect on how many times I too have been a miserable comforter. What is that makes us think we have the freedom to judge others according to their sins, when we are equally sinful but we can't see it? This is clearly wrong and yet we do it all the time. Perhaps our reflections on Job's situation and suffering at the hands of his friends will make us stop and think" (PC).

Job 16:4

I COULD MAKE FINE SPEECHES AGAINST YOU: As Eliphaz's maxims (Job 15:20-35).

AND SHAKE MY HEAD AT YOU: Astonishment, contempt.

Job 16:7

Job is estranged from his former friends.

Job 16:8

IT HAS BECOME A WITNESS AGAINST ME: That is, "it is interpreted as a witness against me."

Job 16:10

Job's former friends rush to support what they perceive to be God's judgment.

Job 16:13

MY GALL: "My life blood".

Job 16:15

OVER MY SKIN: Or, "on my skin" (AV). Figuratively, so that it can never be removed. Cp Gen 37:34; 2Ki 6:30.

BURIED MY BROW IN THE DUST: Lit, "my horn" -- sym of power, authority: 1Sa 2:1; Psa 89:17,24; 92:10; 75:4,5. Job's power of former days is laid low.

Job 16:19

Job sees God as both a judge and a defender.

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