The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Job 42

Job 42:1

Job 42: "The picture moves to the exaltation of Job: [1] Job humbles himself before Yahweh: vv 1-6. [6] Divine rebuke of Job's accusers: vv 7-9. [7] Job restored and honoured: vv 10-17. The type is before us in the record of Job; the antitype will shortly be revealed in the return of Yahshua the Anointed, and the elevation of his true family. Then great blessing will come to the whole world, in fulfilment of the Abrahamic covenant" (GEM).

Job 42:3

THINGS TOO WONDERFUL FOR ME TO KNOW: "Will you lay your poor little insignificant present life and possessions on the scale, if God will lay the glories of endless eternity on the other side? Does not the gracious, marvelous prospect make you anxious to heap every possible service and sacrifice you can on your side, to manifest your bursting and overwhelming sense of thankfulness and awe? -- to compensate with the manifestation at least of love and willingness for the utter nothingness of the very best you can offer? If not, are you really a living creature, or just a piece of dead, unfeeling wood? Does not the infinite wonder and beauty of it all fill your heart to overflowing? A cow cannot appreciate the marvels of a sunset, and we are all cows by nature, as to spiritual things. But God be thanked that we can learn to be something more than cows, if we desire it above everything else, and strive for it with all our heart" (GVG).

Job 42:6

Job sees the "shekinah" glory of God.

There is a radical distinction between natural regret and God-given repentance. The flesh can feel remorse, acknowledge its evil deeds, and be ashamed of itself. However, this sort of disgust with past actions can be quickly shrugged off, and the individual can soon go back to his old wicked ways. None of the marks of true repentance described in 2Co 7:11 are found in his behavior. Out of a list of 11 men in the Bible who said, "I have sinned," poss only five actually repented. They were David (2Sa 12:13; 24:10; 1Ch 21:8; Psa 41:4), Nehemiah (Neh 1:6), Job (Job 42:5,6), Micah (Mic 7:9), and the prodigal son (Luk 15:18). The other (poss less sincere) instances? Pharaoh in Exo 9:27; 10:16; Balaam in Num 22:34; Achan in Jos 7:20; Saul in 1Sa 15:24,30; 26:21; Shimei in 2Sa 19:20; Judas in Mat 27:4.

Job 42:7

The importance of sound doctrine.

"Trouble (so far from being evidence of desertion) is a means employed in His hands to lay the foundation of future joy and blessedness. Let His children then be comforted and strengthened to endure even the deepest and most inexplicable affliction. Let them learn to see God in the darkness and to feel His hand in the tempest. Let them beware of the folly of Job's three friends rebuked of God. Let them know that this time of our pilgrimage is the night, and that though weeping may endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning and that joy a joy prepared by the weeping. Let them apply the consolation Christ has given them: 'Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall be comforted' " (WP 83).

Job 42:8

AND NOT DEAL WITH YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR FOLLY: Lest I punish you after your own doctrine of exact retribution.

YOU HAVE NOT SPOKEN OF ME WHAT IS RIGHT, AS MY SERVANT JOB HAS: Yet Job was not always right -- as God Himself says (Job 38:2; 40:2,8). However, Job's basic philosophy of God's workings was correct, while that of his 3 friends (ie exact retribution) was incorrect.

Job 42:10

TWICE AS MUCH AS HE HAD BEFORE: Double portion -- right of the firstborn (Deu 21:15-17; Eze 47:13). Cp Christ, the true firstborn (Psa 89:27; Col 1:15,18).

Job 42:11

THEY COMFORTED AND CONSOLED HIM: "Trouble (so far from being evidence of desertion) is a means employed in His hands to lay the foundation of future joy and blessedness. Let His children then be comforted and strengthened to endure even the deepest and most inexplicable affliction. Let them learn to see God in the darkness and to feel His hand in the tempest. Let them beware of the folly of Job's three friends rebuked of God. Let them know that this time of our pilgrimage is the night, and that though weeping may endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning and that joy a joy prepared by the weeping. Let them apply the consolation Christ has given them: 'Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall be comforted' [Mat 5:4]" (WP 83).

Job 42:12

Typ the "doubling" of Christ's flocks and herds -- Jews and Gentiles (Joh 10:16).

Job 42:13

HE ALSO HAD SEVEN SONS AND THREE DAUGHTERS: Whereas Job received wealth far greater than what he had had before, he "only" received the same number children which he had lost. Were these in fact the same children, raised from the dead?

Job 42:14

JEMIMAH: "Dove": the ecclesia in its innocence and virtue (Song 5:2; 6:9). A sacrificial animal (Lev 1:14; 5:7; 12:6-8; 14:3-7,22).

KEZIAH: "Cassia" = a sweet spice, an ingredient of holy anointing oil (Exo 30:34), sym union of Christ and bride (Song 1:3; Psa 45:8).

KEREN-HAPPUCH: "Horn of eye-paint", sym inward beauty.

Job 42:17

The LXX adds, as footnote: "And it is written that he shall rise up again, with those whom the LORD shall raise up."
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