Summary: The book begins with Nehemiah returning from Babylon
as Governor of Jerusalem. He plans and oversees the rebuilding of the city wall
despite discouraging opposition and disunity within the Jewish population. The
wall is completed and more exiles are returned and registered as Jewish
citizens. Nehemiah's dedication to God drives him to make several religious
reforms including a public reading of the Law and arrangements for
Time of writing: The mention of Darius the Persian (Neh 12:22)
probably refers to Darius II, the successor of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus). Darius
ruled from 423-404 BC. Therefore Nehemiah must have written the book sometime
after that reign began. Since there are no references to Nehemiah's age in the
text, it is hard to estimate how long he may have lived. When the book opens, he
was second in command under King Artaxerxes. If he was 40 years old then and 41
when he reached Jerusalem in 444 BC, he would have been 62 years old in 423 BC
when Darius replaced Artaxerxes. Consequently he probably wrote the book not
long after 423 BC, most likely before 400 BC.
Nehemiah, "the wise master-builder" (1Co 3:10). Walls as
spiritual strength and well-being: Pro 25:28; 16:32.
Nehemiah: a man of prayer: Neh 1:4-11; 2:4; 4:4,8,9; 5:19;
6:9,14; 13: 14,22,29,31.
The focus of restoration activities in Nehemiah is on the
walls of Jerusalem. In Ezra it was the altar of burnt offerings and especially
the temple in Jerusalem.
The walls of the city had lain in ruins since 586 BC. Then
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had breached them, entered Jerusalem, burned
the temple, carried most of the remaining Jews off to Babylon, and knocked the
walls down. Consequently the few Jews who remained could not defend themselves
(2Ki 25:1-11). The returned exiles had attempted to rebuild the walls in or
shortly after 458 BC, but that project failed because of local opposition (Ezra
The returned exiles had received permission to return to their
land and to reestablish their unique national institutions. Therefore they
needed to rebuild the city walls to defend themselves against anyone who might
want to interfere with and to interrupt their way of life.
Key verse: "So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half
its height, for the people worked with all their heart" (Neh 4:6).
1. Nehemiah's arrival in Jerusalem: Neh 1:1 -
a) Tragic news from Jerusalem, and Nehemiah's prayer: Neh
b) The granting of Nehemiah's request: Neh
c) Nehemiah's survey of the walls, and his report: Neh
2. The building of the wall: Neh 3:1 - 7:4
a) The workmen and their tasks: Neh 3:1-32
b) The opposition of enemies: Neh 4:1-23
c) Reforms of Nehemiah as governor: Neh 5:1-19
d) The wall finished despite opposition: Neh
3. List of exiles: Neh 7:4-73a
4. Ezra's preaching and reforms: Neh 7:73b --
a) The reading and observance of God's Law: Neh 7:73b -
b) A public confession and covenant: Neh
5. Lists of inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem: Neh
a) New residents of Jerusalem: Neh 11:1-24
b) New residents of Judah: Neh 11:25-36
c) List of priests and Levites: Neh 12:1-26
6. Dedication of walls and organization of temple services:
Neh 12:27-47
7. Nehemiah's second administration: Neh
a) Abuses during his absence: Neh 13:1-5
b) Nehemiah's return to Jerusalem: Neh 13:6-9
c) Reorganization and reforms: Neh 13:10-31