Mar 5: "Amongst a busy day of activities, which drained the
Lord of strength, he continued to maintain the work to declare his Father's
purpose. He cured the maniac of Gerasa (vv 1-20), and continued to assist the
ruler Jairus (vv 21-24), to heal the woman with the issue of blood (vv 25-34),
to bring to life the daughter of Jairus (vv 35-43). There are dramatic lessons
of spiritual value in every incident. To the manic of Gerasa the Master brought
a hope beyond his madness. He 'saw Jesus' (v 6), and stopped before he reached
the boat, to throw himself upon the ground. Something in his disordered mind
felt a power greater than himself. But the people of the city did not recognise
that power (v 17). The Lord punished the men of the city by granting their
prayer; he rewarded the cured man by refusing his (v 19). Sometimes we are
rewarded when prayer is refused. Each of the miracles of this day impact upon
the work of the Master; each one adds to that which went before. The woman was
cured of her physical defilement, and the young daughter of Jairus was brought
from the dead. In this way the ultimate conquest over sin and death will occur
with our physical redemption of the body, following the removal of the
defilement of sin in the flesh" (GEM).
Mark 5 has three similar incidents as the recipients of
Christ's healing miracles are taught lessons:
"Legion", who desires to accompany Christ (v 18), is told instead to stay
behind and preach (v 19).
The woman with an issue of blood, who desires
anonymity, is brought into the public view (v 33).
And the ruler of the
synagogue, who desires notoriety, is told to remain silent for the present (v
The unifying lesson: We must each learn to control our natural
tendencies, and to serve in the capacities required by our Lord, although such
may "go against the grain".
Legion, another "storm" to be stilled (cp Mar 4:37-41). First,
the storm at sea (Psa 107:23-31); then, the "storm" in the mind of Legion. He
who can calm the one can calm the other! The "troubled sea" of Isa 57:20 and Rev
13:1 becomes the "sea of glass" in Rev 4:6; 15:2; 21:18. The Psalms portray a
God who can calm the storms, of the nations and of the lives of individual
believers -- and this is what His Son does in the Gospels: cp Psa 65:7,8; 89:9;
THE LAKE: Or "sea" (AV). The sea of Galilee. Also
called the sea of Gennesaret (Luk 5:1), sea of Chinnereth (sig harp, because of
shape? -- in OT), and sea of Tiberias (Joh 6:1). On route of Jordan River from
Mt Hermon (life: Psa 133) to Dead Sea (death).
Decapolis, near sea of Galilee (LB 375). Gergesa, a city on east shore of lake,
a suburb of Gadara, one of the "ten cities" of Decapolis (v 20), inhabited by
many Gentiles. Distinguishing characteristics: ruins, cliff, lake, old
Mar 5:2
A MAN: Cp Mat 8:28: "2 men". One came near, while the
other stood back? Cp the two thieves, but only one believed. (NR 155).
WITH AN EVIL SPIRIT: Called "demon-possessed" in Mat
8:28; Luk 8:27.
FROM THE TOMBS: The region and shadow of death: Isa
9:1,2; Isa 65:2-4.
Mar 5:4
known sometimes to have superhuman strength. In the East, they inhabit
Mar 5:5
IN THE HILLS: There are many caverns in mountains of
Palestine (cp Jdg 6:2), used for dwellings and tombs. Cp Heb 11:38.
Mar 5:7
Even the "demons" believe and tremble: Jam 2:19.
WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?: Or, "What have I to do with
thee?" (AV), emphasizing their common humanity. "Are you come here to torment us
before the appointed time?" (Mat 8:29).
Mar 5:8
The demoniac had mistaken Jesus' command "Come out" for a
rebuke against him: ie "Get out of here!" Jesus speaks to the demon, but he also
has just spoken to the wind and sea (Mar 4:39).
Mar 5:9
LEGION: Usually consisted of about 6,000 infantry and
600 cavalry. There was usually about one Roman legion in Jerusalem at any one
time. A Roman legion: fierce, implacable, lawless oppressors of mankind (cp
giants of Gen 6).
Mar 5:10
See Zec 13:2.
Mar 5:11
A LARGE HERD OF PIGS: "Humans become infected when they
ingest the cysts of the tape worm in the flesh of the pig... Unfortunately
humans can also ingest the eggs from their own or another's infection, and they
then develop a much more serious form of the disease, with cyst formation
throughout the body. These cysts can infect the brain, and it is poss that
Legion was suffering from this disease. A link between his condition and the
herd of swine seems very likely, and not just in his mind" (SP, Tes
Mar 5:13
// Exodus: Legion, like Israel of old, naked, miserable, in
tombs (pyramids), now sees the bodies of its enemies, perished in the (Red)
The madness of the man was transferred to the swine, but this
does not prove the existence of lit demons, any more than the fact that the
leprosy of Naaman cleaved to Gehazi implies that leprosy is caused by demons
(2Ki 5:27) ("Devil", by PW 69). The unchosen uncleanness of the madman evoked
mercy from Jesus, but the willful uncleanness of the swinekeeper called forth
AND WENT INTO THE PIGS: Poss, "the unclean spirits
attacked the swine." Perhaps the man himself rushed into the herd, stampeding
them over the cliff, while at that very moment being healed himself of his
illness. This seems to be the most natural explanation of the event.
Merely because the group is moving together in formation does not mean that the
group is on the right course.
AND WERE DROWNED: Cp the great choking mass of pigs
with the press of the crowd in v 30.
Mar 5:14
Christ's two destructive miracles: (1) 2,000 unclean swine
(unclean Gentile nations) destroyed, but one man (a Gentile) is saved. (2) The
fig tree (Israel) cursed, but one man (Christ, a Jew) is saved.
Mar 5:15
DRESSED: "Himatizo" from rt "robe". Did Christ give him
his own garment? See Mat 5:40.
IN HIS RIGHT MIND: "Quiet! Be still!" (Mar
Mar 5:17
"Pigs" meant more to them than salvation! They could see only
what they might lose (the pigs), not what they might gain (healing, salvation).
Jesus does not argue. He simply leaves.
Mar 5:18
BEGGED TO GO WITH HIM: And he did! He went with Christ
when he went to tell others of what Christ had done for him.
Mar 5:19
The first of 3 similar incidents:
The lunatic, who desired to accompany Christ (v 18), is told to stay behind
and preach (v 19).
The woman with issue, who desires anonymity, is brought
into public eye (v 33).
Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, who desires
notoriety, is told to remain silent for the present (v
Lesson: We must learn to control natural tendencies, serve in
the capacity we are commanded, although this goes "against the grain".
Silence was his settled policy for most of his ministry (Mat
9:30; 17:9; 12:16; Mar 1:34; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26; Luk 5:14), with one notable
exception (Mar 5:19 -- Legion with his family). But in last days of ministry, a
change of course (Mat 21:1-11; Joh 7:37; 9:3; 11:4).
Mar 5:20
manner of man is this?" (Mar 4:41).
Mar 5:22
ONE OF THE SYNAGOGUE RULERS: A president of synagogue,
who had likely ignored Jesus until now. Some synagogues probably had more than
one ruler (Act 13:15). "He WAS a ruler..." (KJV). Was Jairus later demoted
through becoming a follower of Jesus?
CAME THERE: He did not send for Jesus, as might one in
his position; instead, he came to Jesus, as a lesser comes to a
Mar 5:23
LITTLE: Called "little" until age 13 (v 42). 'My one
and only daughter': Luk 8:42.
Mar 5:24
Vv 24-34: Parenthetical.
"He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows" (Isa 53:4).
"Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden" (Mat 11:28,29).
Mar 5:25
SUBJECT TO BLEEDING: Ceremonially unclean, and a social
outcast (Lev 15:19-30). She was supposed to be separated from other people, and
from the synagogue, and from Temple worship -- not for any moral reason, but for
a physical condition. In effect, she was being punished for something of which
she was not guilty.
TWELVE YEARS: Cp the 12 years of v 42. The woman's
misery was as old as the daughter of Jairus.
Mar 5:26
remedies make matters worse (as in religion).
Mar 5:27
IN THE CROWD: Jesus was choked in the crowd. Note his
closeness to mankind. Jesus was a man.
she should not have even been in the city -- much less in a crowd of people.
This took great courage on the part of a poor, and probably weak and frail,
We have to seek out and reach for Jesus; he will not be handed
to us on a silver platter!
AND TOUCHED HIS CLOAK: With its border of blue (cp Num
15:37,38). To do so, she must have fallen to her knees.
"In those days ten men from all languages and nations will
take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, 'Let us go with you,
because we have heard that God is with you' " (Zec 8:23).
All the occasions of Jesus touching, or being touched, in the
context of healing (notice that not one of them is in John's gospel): Mat
8:3,15; 9:20,21,29; 14:36; 17:7; 20:34; Mark 1:41; 3:10; 5:27,28,30,31; 6:56;
7:33; 8:22; 10:13; Luk 5:13; 6:19; 7:14,39; 8:44-47; 18:15; 22:51.
Mar 5:28
The reverse of legal restriction: 'If I touch him, he shall be
unclean too!' A man who could touch unclean, and yet remain pure himself: this
is a great miracle!
HIS CLOTHES: "The sun of righteousness... with healing
in his wings" (Mal 4:2), ie borders (Num 15:38 sw) of his garments.
Mar 5:29
SHE FELT IN HER BODY: Christ's healing spirit was the
operation of some real natural power, that could be felt.
Mar 5:30
HE TURNED AROUND: Jesus turned to the following
multitude (Luk 14:25), the backsliding disciple (Luk 22:61), the impulsive
disciple (Mat 16:23), and the trembling believer (here).
TOUCHED: With feeling of our infirmities: Heb
WHO TOUCHED MY CLOTHES?: Jesus knew who had touched
him! He asks this so as to reveal this woman to the onlookers.
Other questions, designed to lead to the repentance of the
hearers: Gen 3:9; 4:9; 2Ki 5:25.
Mar 5:31
Jesus today, but only a few touch him in faith, and are healed.
Mar 5:33
AT HIS FEET: Whereas previously she had come behind him
(v 27), now she kneels in front of him. An embarrassing process, but a necessary
public profession (v 19n).
Mar 5:34
DAUGHTER: Mentioned in both miracles here.
This is the only occasion when Jesus so addresses any woman;
he demonstrates that there is a spiritual relationship between them, beyond all
natural ties.
YOUR FAITH: And not simply my power....
HAS HEALED YOU: With restored ability to bear children,
as Hannah?
Mar 5:36
Both miracles have in common: 12 years; daughter, faith in
Christ, healing. The restoration of Israel (the "12"!) comes only through
Christ. For "daughter", cp Jer 6:14; 8:11; etc.
Power of faith and intercession of others: Mat 8:13; 9:32;
15:28; 17:14-18; Luk 8:50; Joh 4:49; Jos 6:17; Gen 7:1; 18:32; 19:12; Act
DON'T BE AFRAID; JUST BELIEVE: Immediately Jesus, full
of compassion and tender pity, reaffirmed the man's basis for faith -- as angels
to women at tomb. Those with faith, Christ helps. Those with none, he ignores
(vv 17,18; Mar 6:1).
JUST BELIEVE: More properly, "go on believing".
Justification by faith.
Mar 5:37
PETER, JAMES, AND JOHN: These 3 singled out on other
occasions: Transfiguration (Mat 17:1), Olivet prophecy (Mar 13:5), garden of
Gethsemane (Mar 14:33).
Mar 5:38
Professional mourners: Amo 5:16; Jer 9:16,17; 2Ch
Mar 5:40
A poor type of mourner, to turn so easily to scornful
laughter. They scorn Christ, but he shows greater authority: "He put them all
HE PUT THEM ALL OUT: Cp context of Mar 4; 5 with Num
5:1-4. By LM, lepers, bleeders, and those defiled by dead were "put out" of
camp. Here, Christ heals such as this, whilst putting the disbelievers "outside"
(Tes 52:257,258).
WENT IN: Jesus came near to death, partaking of
mortality, again ignoring legal defilement.
Mar 5:41
"Thy touch has still its ancient power;
No word from thee can fruitless fall.
Hear in this solemn evening hour,
And in thy mercy heal us all.
"Jesus, Deliverer, near to us be;
Soothe thou our voyaging over life's sea:
Then when the storm of death roars, sweeping by,
Say thou, O Lord of life, 'Peace, it is I.' "
HE TOOK HER BY THE HAND: Christ touches that which is
defiled (cp vv 27,28). Death! the ultimate defilement, yet held no fear for
Christ, who "tasted death" for all men.
A parable of baptism: sleep of death, touch of Master's hand,
words: "Arise" and "walk"!
Mar 5:43
Cp v 19n. But nevertheless "they spread abroad his fame in all
that country" (Mat 9:31).
Silence was his settled policy for most of his ministry (Mat
9:30; 17:9; 12:16; Mar 1:34; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26; Luk 5:14), with one notable
exception (Mar 5:19 -- Legion with his family). But in last days of ministry, a
change of course (Mat 21:1-11; Joh 7:37; 9:3; 11:4).
"Four Galilean peasants slipped quietly away from the house of
Jairus and headed through Magdala down the 'Valley of Doves' which led toward
Nazareth. They were a carpenter and three fishermen, and they all knew now that
one of them was the Lord of Life" (SMk 83).