The Agora
Pictures Of Redemption
"Paul was reasoning in the market place every day with those who happened to be present." (Acts 17:17)


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Pictures Of Redemption

Table Of Contents

"You were bought with a price"
The purchase of a slave
A new life
The crushing of the "serpent"
The serpent and the seed in the Law
David and Goliath
Isaiah: the Bible in miniature
The death of the covenant-victim
The white stone, with a new name
Bundles of treasure
"The chief of sinners"
"His father ran and kissed him"
The Good Shepherd: Part 1
The Good Shepherd: Part 2
The Good Shepherd: Part 3
The Lamb
The High Priest's garments
"Wash up for dinner!"
Watering the camels
Marriage -- natural and spiritual