Jesus Christ
David was a shepherd
Jesus was the "Good Shepherd" (John 10:14)
David was persecuted by the leaders and people of the nation
he helped
This was also true of Jesus, whom they finally crucified (John
David left Israel to go into a "far country" where Saul could
no longer hunt him, and where he could wait for the time when he would be called
to the kingdom (1Sa 27:4)
Jesus has gone into a "far country", and is waiting for the
time to return and finish his work (Luk 19:12)
During his absence David gathered followers who left all to
serve him, and who later helped him rule the kingdom (1Ch 12:1)
Jesus is doing likewise today, calling out a people for God's
name (Acts 15:4; Rev 5:9,10)
David united all Israel under one head (2Sa 5:1)
Jesus will unite Israel (Eze 37:21,22)
David freed Jerusalem from the enemy (2Sa 5:6,7)
Jesus will do likewise (Joel 3:16; Zec 14)
David extended his kingdom into an empire by bringing the
surrounding nations into subjection to his rule (2Sa 8; 10)
Jesus will bring all nations under his subjection too (Isa
David restored the true worship in Jerusalem (2Sa 6)
Jesus will also restore true worship in Jerusalem (Isa
David's victories paved the way for the peaceful reign of
Solomon and the temple that was built
Jesus will reign in peace after putting all powers under his
authority (Hag 2:6-9; Mic 3)
David was called a "man after God's own heart"
Jesus was called "my beloved son... in whom I am well-pleased"
(Mat 3:17)