In God's sight, man is...
Then the work of salvation is...
1. An accused person; a guilty person...
Justification (declaring or considering another to be innocent
or righteous). A verdict of "Not guilty!"
2. An estranged person; an enemy...
Reconciliation (atonement, "peace" or "shalom" in an Old
Testament sense (see Rom 5:10; 2Co 5:18-20).
3. A debtor, who cannot pay his debts...
Forgiveness, or mercy (see Mat 18:23-35).
4. A slave, serving the wrong "master"...
Redemption (literally, "purchase", as of a slave out of a
slave market).
5. An orphan, with no hope and no inheritance (Eph
Adoption or sonship (Rom 8:15).
6. Common, ordinary...
Sanctification (literally, the process of being set apart, or
made holy; to become a "saint").
7. Unclean, impure...
8. In trouble or danger...