1. Psalm Structure
2. The Psalms and the Pentateuch
3. The Imprecatory Psalms
4. Acrostic Psalms
5. Musical Instruments in the Psalms
Stringed Instruments
Wind Instruments
Percussion instruments
6. The Hallelujah Psalms
7. Selah
8. The Formation of the Psalter
Book 1
Psalm 1
1. A Beginning
2. Title
3. Structure
4. Historical allusions
5. Messianic reference
6. Other details
7. The Beatitudes in the Psalms
8. Conclusion
Psalm 2
1. Author
2. Structure
3. Historical Background
4. Messiah’s first coming
5. Messiah’s second coming
6. The “Messiah”
Psalm 3
1. Sacrifice and Prayer
2. Historical Background
3. Notes
4. Subscription
5. Postscript
Psalm 4
1. Historical Background
2. Notes
3. Subscription
4. Postscript
Psalm 5
1. Theme
2. Background
3. Outline
4. Notes
5. Subscription
Psalm 6
1. Outline
2. Historical Background
3. Messianic fulfillment
4. Other details
Psalm 7
1. Title
2. Outline
3. Historical Background
4. Messianic reference
5. Other details
Psalm 8
1. Subscription
2. Historical Setting
3. Messianic reference
4. Genesis 1
5. Psalm 148
6. 1 Corinthians 15
7. Matthew 21:15-16
8. Luke 10
9. Ephesians 1
10. Hebrews 2
11. Other details of Psalm 8
Psalm 9
1. Structure
2. Outline
3. Theme
4. Historical Setting
5. Acrostic Psalms?
6. Messianic reference
7. Other details
Psalm 10
1. Title
2. Connections with Psalm 9
3. Structure
4. Historical setting
5. Messianic fulfillment
6. Other details
Psalm 11
1. Structure
2. Subscription
3. Historical setting
4. Allusions to Sodom
5. Messianic fulfillment
6. Other details
7. Hezekiah reference
Psalm 12
1. Outline
2. Historical background
3. Absalom’s rebellion (2 Samuel 15 and 16)
4. Messianic reference
5. Other details
6. Postscript
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Psalm 13
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. Messianic reference
4. Other details
Psalms 14 and 53
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. The relation between Psalms 14 and 53
4. Subtitle
5. Fulfillment in Hezekiah’s day
6. Messianic reference
7. Other details
8. A Summary of Bible “fools”
Psalm 15
1. Title
2. Historical setting
3. Echoes of Psalm 15
4. The Messiah
5. Other details
Psalm 16
1. Theme
2. Historical setting
3. Messianic reference
4. Other details
Psalm 17
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. Messianic reference
4. Other details
5. True satisfaction
Psalm 18
1. Structure
2. Title
3. Dependence upon other passages
4. Historical background
5. Messianic reference
6. Other details
Psalm 19
1. Structure
2. Theme
3. Messianic reference
4. The Septuagint
5. Other details
6. Hymn 79
Psalm 20
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. Messianic reference
4. Other details
Psalm 21
1. Structure
2. Psalms 20 and 21
3. Historical setting
4. Messianic fulfillment
5. Subscription
6. Other details
Psalm 22
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. Recited on the cross
4. Psalm 22 in its larger context
5. Messianic fulfillment
6. Conclusion
Psalm 23
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. Messianic reference
4. Christ and his disciple
5. Other details
6. Summary
7. Postscript
Psalm 24
1. Structure
2. Historical reference
3. Genesis references
4. Messianic fulfillment
5. New Testament references
6. Other details
Psalm 25
1. Acrostic
2. Structure
3. Exodus 33 and 34
4. Romans 5:1-6
5. Links with preceding psalms
6. Historical setting
7. Repetitions
8. Themes
9. Messianic application
10. Other details
11. A Prayer based on Psalm 25:4,5
Psalm 26
1. Structure
2. Links with Psalm 25
3. Historical setting
4. Messianic reference
5. Other details
Psalm 27
1. Structure
2. Historical background
3. Messianic reference
4. A psalm for the persecuted believer
5. Other details
6. Waiting on the Lord
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Psalm 28
1. Links with the previous psalm
2. Structure
3. Historical setting
4. Messianic reference
5. Other details
Psalm 29
1. Structure
2. Historical reference
3. The Lord in storm and whirlwind
4. Liturgical use
5. Messianic fulfillment
6. Other details
Psalm 30
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. Historical reference
4. Messianic fulfillment
5. Other details
Psalm 31
1. Structure
2. Links with Psalm 32
3. Historical setting
4. Messianic fulfillment
5. Other details
Psalm 32
1. Title
2. Outline
3. Historical setting
4. Messianic reference?
5. The repentant sinner
6. Patterns
7. The sins of God’s people
Psalm 33
1. Structure
2. Authorship
3. Day of Atonement?
4. Historical allusion
5. The might of Jehovah
6. The Word of God
7. Other details
Psalm 34
1. Structure
2. Acrostic form
3. Psalm title
4. Historical reference
5. Passover
6. Messianic reference
7. Peter’s use of Psalm 34
8. Other details
9. Conclusion
Psalm 35
1. Structure
2. Historical background
3. Imprecatory psalm
4. Messianic reference
5. Other Messianic details
6. Other details
Psalm 36
1. Title
2. Structure
3. Historical setting
4. The Day of Atonement?
5. Details
Psalm 37
1. Acrostic Psalm
2. Theme
3. Repetitions
4. Historical setting
5. Commentary
6. New Testament links
7. Analysis
8. Postscript
Psalm 38
1. Structure
2. Title
3. David’s illness
4. Details
5. Messiah
Psalm 39
1. Title
2. Links with Psalm 38
3. Structure
4. Historical setting
5. Messianic fulfillment
6. Other details
Psalm 40
1. Structure
2. A psalm of David
3. Messianic reference
4. Christ’s use of Psalm 40
5. Other details
Psalm 41
1. Structure
2. Historical setting
3. Absalom’s rebellion
4. Messianic fulfillment
5. “Heel”: a thematic study