His praise shall be continually in my mouth —
that mouth which had dribbled spittle into his beard! The sight of the angel of
the Lord (v. 7) had changed his tactics (just as Peter’s seeing Jesus in
the court of the high priest had changed his temporizing, deceitful
The humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. So glad, in
fact, that they came to join themselves to David’s cause in
ever-increasing numbers (1 Sam. 22:1,2).
O magnify the Lord with me. At last David was driven
out from Gath and, with so many other desperate men, took refuge in the cave
of Adullam. There his first move was to lead these who now joined him in prayers
of thanksgiving. This is now a very different David.
I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from
all my fears. Faith in the care of God is to be built on past experience
(see on Par. 8). Having learned this lesson afresh, David now seeks to inculcate
it in his followers. This verse implies that in the crisis of danger he had been
feigning madness and praying to the Lord at the same time! “Praise God,
and keep your gunpowder dry!”
They looked unto him. Or, as the margin, they flowed
unto him, as in 1 Sam. 22:2. (The same word occurs in Isa. 2:2; 60:5; Jer.
31:12; 51:44; Mic. 4:1.)
And were lightened. The juxtaposition of ideas suggests
the streams of light flowing forth from Moses (Exod. 34:29,35) and
Christ (at the Transfiguration) and Stephen (Acts 6:15). The verbs here can
also be read as exhortations: “Look to him and be radiant; so your faces
shall never be ashamed” (RSV; cp. NEB). Perhaps also lightened
expresses the delight of his men at the leader’s return.
To look within is to be miserable (Psa. 77). To
look at others is to be distracted (Psa. 73). But to look unto the
Lord’s anointed is to be “enlightened”!
This poor man cried, and his cry was Al Taschith,
“Destroy me not” (see Psa. 57 title). The abrupt
change in this verse to third person singular suggests the possibility of it
being a Hezekiah addition, as in a number of other Psalms of David. (Note v. 7
and also that the Lord....saved him is the name Isaiah.)
The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear
him, and delivereth them. This is the exhortational verse par excellence
of this psalm (see Par. 9). The phrase “angel of Yahweh” is used
only twice in the Psalms. The other reference is 35:5, an example of judgment to
contrast with the mercy shown here. Compare Acts 12, where an angel of Yahweh
appears twice: once in mercy (vv. 7-11: delivering Peter out of prison) and once
in judgment (v. 23: smiting the vile Herod). Angelic agency is often unseen, yet
it is recognized by the eye of faith!
Encampeth is hanah, a military camp, and
is the root word of the place name Mahanaim (which signifies two camps). This
was the site of Jacob’s protection by the unseen hosts of angels (Gen.
32:1,2). As the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day, so the angel of
the Lord — a “ministering spirit” — remains with and
protects those that fear him: Matt. 18:10; Heb. 1:14; Psa. 91:11;
Round about suggests that here angel is used as a
collective noun, or that the angel signified here is the captain of a
Should vv. 8-18 be read as David’s exhortation to his
desperate followers joining him in the outlaw life?
Taste signifies to consider seriously and thoroughly
(Rev. 14:5). Adullam is noted for its springs of clear, pure water — a
welcome treat in a barren wilderness. The cave and its surroundings are a place
of impressive beauty and grandeur, so that we might easily picture David
gesturing about him, calling upon his men to taste and see that the Lord has
been good to us in providing us safe shelter.
To “taste” may also especially connote the
first venture into faith, as it appears to do in both Heb. 6:5 and 1 Pet.
2:3, with the implicit exhortation that one should progress beyond a casual
sampling of God’s goodness to a fuller appreciation. Compare similar ideas
in Isa. 55:1 and Luke 14:16,17.
The word trusteth fits the context well, for it
signifies “to flee for refuge to” (cp. v. 22). How the psalms harp
on this supreme virtue of faith! David might well say this, having remembered
nearly too late his own extraordinary lapse from trust in God.
Ye his saints....them that fear him. This is what makes
a saint. To think that David should refer to these rough desperate outlaws by
such a word!
The young lions = David’s hungry band of
marauders: cp. 1 Chron. 12:8. A very apt figure if written in the wilds of the
Ye children. A not uncommon idiom for followers or
disciples. Such a form of address is at the same time affectionate and
authoritative. In the words that follow is the code of conduct laid down for
David’s growing army.
Keep....thy lips from speaking guile. This expresses
David’s rueful repentance for the guile he employed at Nob and in
He keepeth all his bones. David’s bones
were kept; Saul’s were scattered (Psa. 53:5; 1 Sam.
The angel of the Lord encampeth....and delivereth.
These phrases link up readily with Exod. 12:23.
O taste and see....is a rather strange phrase until
combined with the Passover meal.
He keepeth all his bones; not one of them is broken.
These words echo the ruling about the Passover lamb: Exod. 12:46; Num.
Evil shall slay the wicked. Is this a metonymy for one
of the Lord’s angels of evil, the destroying angel who slew the firstborn
in Egypt? Exod. 12:23; note Psa. 78:49, RV (“angels of evil”, and
Why should the acrostic form of the psalm be extended by an
extra verse beginning with Pe (for Pesach, or
Passover) except as a further reminder that this is a Passover psalm? If also
this psalm had an editing at the time of Hezekiah (Par. 4, v. 6, note), that
verse becomes especially powerful because the Assyrian army was destroyed at
Passover by an angel of the Lord (Isa. 37:36). Attention is also drawn to vv.
19,21,22 with their theme of marvellous deliverance of a stricken people —
the very experience of David also at the court of Achish.
His praise....continually in my mouth. The Hebrew word
for continually suggests the continual burnt-offering, a ceaseless
sacrifice to the Lord. The mouth that is continually filled with praise has no
room for complaining, foolish talking, jesting, gossip, or criticism (cp. v.
They looked unto him, and were lightened. Compare
Paul’s words about the glory of God to be found (literally and
figuratively) in the face of Jesus Christ: 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:6.
The angel of the Lord, as in Luke 22:43 — and
Matt. 26:53, an allusion to the twelve legions of angels who guarded Israelite
homes in Egypt on Passover night.
Children is used by Jesus in reference to his
disciples: Mark 10:24; John 13:33.
Depart from evil was the Lord’s special appeal to
Judas: “That thou doest, do quickly” (John 13:27) might better be
translated ‘That thou doest, be done with it quickly’.
To cut off the remembrance of them. A further warning
to Judas? And what a contrast with: “Do this in remembrance of
Not one of them (i.e. all his bones) is broken.
This figure of the members of Christ’s body is frequent and powerful:
139:16; 35:10; 6:2; 22:14. We are all one in Christ; hence v. 3: “Magnify
the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” At
first sight there seems to be an inconsistency with 51:8 (“the bones which
thou hast broken”). But no! for this last verse speaks of
“bones” of sin broken by God.
In the New Testament the figure of
“bones” as members of a spiritual “body” is pursued even
more vigorously: 1 Cor. 12:12-27; Eph. 4:4,16; 5:30. See, of course, John
19:33-36 — where Christ as the Passover lamb (John 1:29; 1 Cor. 5:7) is
spared the breaking of his “bones” (Exod. 12:46).
Cited Eph. 5:20.
My soul shall make her boast in the Lord. Compare Jer.
9:24; 1 Cor. 1:31. Man is not to boast in riches, strength, or honor, but only
in knowing God.
Magnify: Luke 1:46: “And Mary said, My soul doth
magnify the Lord.”
How to build faith on past experience: Deut. 1:31; Deut. 2
(entire chapter); 7:18; Mark 11:24 (which should read “Believe that you
have received”); Psa. 37:25; 22:4; 106:13; 2 Tim. 3:4,11; 2 Cor.
1:10; Gen. 50:20; 24:7; 1 Sam. 17:37; 2 Kings 1:13; Matt. 16:8,9; Mark
O taste and see. But note also the warning of Heb.
6:4-6 (where also note “enlightened”, as in Psa. 34:5).
Examples of hunger as a means of turning men back to
God: Amos 4:6; Luke 15:14-16.
The fear of the Lord: Psa. 111:10; Prov. 1:7; 2:2-5;
8:13; 14:26,27; 15:16,33; 16:6; 19:23; 23:17.
Exhortations concerning the tongue: James 1:26; 3:2-10;
4:11; Prov. 6:17,24; 12:13; 17:4,20; 18:21; 21:23; Tit. 3:2.
Seek peace: Heb. 12:14; Rom. 14:19.
As to the eyes of the Lord, see Psa. 33:18.
His ears are open to their cry: James 5:15,16; Prov.
Paul quotes this verse, or its repetition in v. 19, in 2 Tim.
”Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at
Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra: what persecutions I endured: but out of them
all the Lord delivered me.”
Broken heart....contrite spirit = The publican in
Christ’s parable: Luke 18:9-14. Compare Psa. 51:17; Isa. 57:15;
He keepeth all his bones. For the general sense, note
also Matt. 10:30: “The very hairs of your head are all
None of them that trust in him shall be condemned (RV):
Rom. 8:1! “There is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ