George Booker
Psalms Studies - Book 3

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Book 1 (Introduction and Psa 1 - 41)
Book 2 (Psa 42 - 72)
Book 3 (Psa 73 - 89)
Book 4 (Psa 90 - 106)
Book 5 (Psa 107 - 150)

Psalms 73 through 89

Table of Contents

Psalm 73
1. Asaph
2. Structure
3. Historical setting
4. Messianic reference
5. Other details

Psalm 74
1. Title
2. Structure
3. Links with other passages
4. Historical allusions
5. Historical setting
6. Details
7. Messianic fulfillment
8. Further details

Psalm 75
1. Structure
2. Title
3. Links with other passages
4. Historical reference
5. Messianic fulfillment
6. Other details

Psalm 76
1. Structure
2. Title
3. Links between Psalms 75 and 76
4. Historical setting
5. Messianic fulfillment

Psalm 77
1. Title
2. Structure
3. Links with other psalms
4. Passover
5. The Names of God
6. Historical setting
7. Messianic reference
8. Other details
9. Postscript

Psalm 78
1. Title
2. Analysis
3. A Passover psalm
4. Links with other passages
5. Ephraim and Judah
6. Commentary
7. Psalm 78 and John 6

Psalm 79
1. Titles
2. Structure
3. Links with other Scriptures
4. Historical setting
5. Other details
6. Psalm 79 and Revelation 11
7. The prisoner’s sigh

Psalm 80
1. Structure
2. Title
3. Historical reference
4. Messianic fulfillment
5. Other details
6. Links with other Scriptures
7. The Day of Atonement
8. Israel’s lament

Psalm 81
1. Title
2. Structure
3. Exodus allusions
4. Historical setting
5. New Testament allusions
6. Other details

Psalm 82
1. Title
2. Structure
3. Historical commentary
4. Messianic commentary
5. New Testament Citation

Psalm 83
1. Structure
2. Title
3. The confederacy identified
4. Contemporary reference
5. The Last Days
6. Application to Jehoshaphat?

Psalm 84
2. Structure
3. A psalm of David
4. A psalm of Hezekiah
5. The Day of Atonement
6. Messianic reference
7. Other details
8. Postscript

Psalm 85
1. Title
2. Structure
3. Day of Atonement
4. Historical setting
5. The Last Days

Psalm 86
1. Title
2. Structure
3. Historical setting
4. A psalm of Messiah
5. Other details

Psalm 87
1. Title
2. Historical setting
3. Messianic reference
4. Other details
5. Postscripts

Psalm 88
1. Titles
2. Structure
3. Historical
4. The Messiah
5. Other details
6. Postscript

Psalm 89
1. Title
2. Authorship
3. Structure
4. God’s Covenant with David
5. The Covenant guaranteed
6. Historical background
7. Messianic reference
8. Other details

Contact John Mannell