Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth. Many supporters,
whom David thought he could count on, evidently fell away. Otherwise, would he
have abandoned Jerusalem?
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with
flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. Absalom’s
organized denigration of the king, which could do so much in weaning supporters
away from him: 2 Sam. 15:1-6.
The tongue that speaketh proud things. The confidence
of the rebels that they will succeed.
Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail: our lips
are our own: who is lord over us? A comparable confidence in the power of
their propaganda.
For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the
needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord: I will set him in safety from him that
puffeth at him. All will yet turn out well. There is a reassuring
pronouncement, through a prophet or from the high priest (by Urim and Thummim?).
Set him in safety refers to Mahanaim (2 Sam. 17:27),
where David knew that he could count on the protection, not only of loyal
followers, but also of a host of angels of the Lord: Psa. 34:7; Gen.
These words of the Lord (v. 5) are compared to refined
silver because they imply redemption: Exod. 30:12,13; 38:26,27. David would be
delivered, or redeemed, out of his trials.
Keep them. LXX and RSV have “us”.
The vilest men exalted. Ahithophel?
The wicked....on every side. Ziba, Shimei?
Help is nearly the word “Messiah”. This
verse implies a serious falling away of disciples from close loyalty to Jesus,
in the last days of the ministry: John 6:60,66; Matt. 26:56.
They speak vanity. A systematic propaganda campaign
against Jesus. Or Judas’ kiss of betrayal: Matt. 26:49.
With a double heart (mind) they do speak. A
reference to their deceitful talk in temple discussions: Matt. 22:16.
The Lord shall cut off. The parable of the vineyard:
Luke 20:16.
Who is lord over us? The rulers who rejected Jesus were
essentially atheists. Note John 11:48: our place (i.e. temple) and our
Oppression....sighing. The willfull opposition and
malicious criticism of his adversaries were to Jesus worse than physical
persecution. But at last he was set in safety.
The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a
furnace of earth, purified seven times. The words of the Old Testament were
an invaluable source of strength to him.
Thou shalt preserve....for ever. The assurance of
This generation. Matt. 12:39-45.
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour. Paul
quotes these words in Eph. 4:25, making a powerful contrast by the drastic
change of one word: i.e. “vanity” to “truth”! Compare
the flattery of Tertullus with the sincerity of Paul in Acts 24:1-10.
With a double heart. Literally, “with a heart
and a heart” (AV mg.; cp. 1 Chron. 12:33). This context suggests
that James 1:8 refers not to the well-meaning doubter but to the willful
traitor. “A man without a heart is a wonder; but a man with two hearts is
a monster” (Thomas Adams).
Flattering lips. Hebrew: “lips of
smoothness” (cp. 55:21; Isa. 30:10).
Speaketh proud things. James 3:5. True of human nature
to the very end: Dan. 7:20,25.
Our lips are our own. Meaning either: (a) they are our
chief resource, or (b) we have a right to say what we like. Literally:
“our lips are with us”; contrast “Immanuel”
(God is with us). “Speaking great swelling words “ (Jude 16)
of boastful arrogance (2 Pet. 2:10-12). This is the absolute contrast to 1 Cor.
6:20, where Paul tells us that our bodies, and every member thereof, belong to
The poor....and needy, as in Psa. 9:18.
Oppression means plundering: the rebels at work. LXX:
s.w. James 5:1; 4:9.
Sighing: s.w. 79:11; 102:20; Rom. 8:26.
Now will I arise. That God will do so is a constant
prayer: Psa. 3:7; 7:6; 9:19; 10:12. Compare Exod. 2:23-25; 3:7-9.
Saith the Lord. The interesting phenomenon of a
revelation embodied in a later inspired Scripture. So also in Psa. 60:6-8;
81:5-14; 95:8-11; 132:11-18.
Him that puffeth at him could be read as a separate
sentence: Let him (i.e. the oppressor) puff at him. Or, as RV mg., very
differently: In the safety he panteth for (42:1,2).
The words of the Lord, with primary reference to v. 5;
a sharp contrast with v. 4.
Pure words. Prov. 30:5. This word is used many times of
a man pronounced clean under the Law of Moses (Lev. 13:13,17,37,39-41; etc.),
e.g. the healed leper. Apply to the Word of the Lord.
Read: Words of earth (i.e. human words), purified
seven times, as silver is tried in a furnace. For “silver”, see
note in Par. 3. For the purifying effect of fiery trials, see 1 Pet. 1:7; Prov.
17:3; 27:21; Job 23:10; Mal. 3:3.
When the vilest men are exalted (Prov. 28:12,18;
29:2). “The vilest of the sons of Adam”; i.e. Cain, who slew
his brother: Gen. 4:8; 1 John 3:12.