2. |
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained
strength can be read as a poetic expression of the immature strength of
young David, contrasted with the massive brute force of Goliath. (Also to be
contrasted with the great but deceptive stature of King Saul, the would-be
“Saviour”: 1 Sam. 9:2; 1 Cor. 1:27.) |
Out of the mouth, alone, is certainly appropriate to
the magnificent declaration of faith made by David: 1 Sam. 17:45-47. |
That thou mightest cause to cease the enemy and the
avenger, who was Goliath himself. It was his intention to avenge the
previous Philistine defeats at the hands of Samuel, Saul, and Jonathan (1 Sam.
7:11; 13:3; 14:31). Note the remarkable repetition of the number six with
regard to Goliath (1 Sam. 17:4,7; cp. 2 Sam. 21:20; 1 Chron. 20:6) — truly
the prototypical Man of Sin and Apocalyptic “beast” (Rev.
13:18). |
5. |
Crowned with glory and honour is an easy allusion to
the promotion, praise and privilege which were poured on David after his success
(1 Sam. 18:1-7), as also the ensuing phrase: have dominion over the works of
thine hands. |
Luke 10
Psalm 8
17. |
Subject unto us through thy name |
6. |
All things under his feet |
1. |
How excellent is thy name |
18. |
I saw Satan fall |
2. |
To still the enemy |
19. |
Tread on serpents and scorpions (v. 3: wolves; 9:58:
foxes) |
6-8. |
All....beasts of the field....under his feet |
20. |
Your names written in heaven |
1. |
Thy glory upon the heavens |
21. |
Lord of heaven and earth |
1. |
Heavens....all the earth |
21. |
Babes |
2. |
Babes and sucklings |
22. |
All things are delivered to me |
6. |
All things under his feet |
22. |
The Son |
4. |
Son of man |
24. |
Prophets and kings |
David: both prophet and king |
Ephesians 1
Psalm 8
17. |
Father of glory |
1. |
Thy glory (toward the Son?) |
19. |
His power to usward. according to the working of his mighty
power |
2. |
Ordained strength |
20. |
In heavenly places |
1. |
The glory above the heavens |
21. |
Far above all principality and power.... |
6. |
Madest him to have dominion |
22. |
He hath put all things under his feet |
6. |
Thou hast put all things under his feet |
23. |
Filleth all in all |
1,9. |
In all the earth |
verse |
3. |
The majesty on high |
4. |
Angels |
4. |
A more excellent name |
10. |
Laid the foundation of the earth (cp. Psa. 8:1: “hast
set”) |
10. |
The heavens....the works of thy hands |
13. |
Thine enemies |
13. |
Thy footstool |
5. |
The sequence of passages in ch. 1 about the Son being greater
in status than the angels may now encounter the objection: ‘But Jesus was
an ordinary weak human like the rest of us!’ To this the answer is: This
argument about Jesus concerns “the world to come”, not the days of
his flesh (5:7). |
6. |
A certain one somewhere bore clear witness. This
phrasing is not through uncertainty (for what could be more familiar than Psalm
8?), but rather to lead the thinking away from David to the Messiah. |
What is man....? Hebrew enosh,
frail mortal man. A powerful wit-ness to the truth concerning the nature of
Christ. |
Mindful of him, i.e. rememberest him. Are death and
resurrection implied here? Compare Psa. 88:5. |
The Son of man. In Dan. 7:13,14 the Son of man has a
higher status than angels (this is at the ascension of Jesus). |
That thou visitest him. The word means either a
visitation in judgment, or in help and blessing. Here it is certainly the
latter. |
7. |
A little. See notes on 8:5 in section below. |
Made a little lower. The Greek verb means “to
diminish”. This happened to Christ at the end of his ministry —
“for the suffering of death” (vv. 14,15). |
Thou crownest him with glory and honour. Heb. 5:4,5;
Exod. 28:2,36 indicate priesthood. |
And didst set him over the works of thy hands.
Messiah’s royal majesty. This verse beautifully sums up the three
great aspects of the work of Christ! |
8. |
He left nothing not put under him. When Psalm 8 says
“all things”, it means “all things”! |
9. |
We see Jesus. Interestingly, the first mention of his
name in this epistle. |
That he....should taste death. The phrase implies death
and resurrection, as in Luke 9:27. |
For every man, i.e. for all kinds (classes, or races)
of men. Other examples of “all” probably meaning “without
distinction” rather than “without exception”: John 1:7,9;
3:26; 5:28; 8:2; 12:32; 13:35; Rom. 10:13; 1 Tim. 2:1,2; 4:15; 5:20;
6:17. |
10. |
In bringing many sons to glory. Along with my
brethren (v. 12), this recalls the army of Israel (which included three of
David’s brothers), who shared in the benefits of David’s victory,
although they contributed nothing (and could contribute nothing) toward
it. |
14. |
As David had to go down into the “valley of the shadow
of death” (Psa. 23:4) before he could win his victory — so Christ
had to be sent into the “valley of death” before he could destroy
sin. Flesh and blood was the only “valley”, the only arena,
where the power of death could be encountered, and challenged, and
conquered. An angel could not go there — only a man! |
Him that had the power of death. The personification of
this passage, which can be difficult of explanation, is seen, in the light of
Psalm 8, to be an allusion to Goliath. There was a personal, in fact
human, “Devil”: Goliath was the very personification of the power of
sin and death! The author of Hebrews naturally uses the figure of
personification, because as he contemplates Christ’s great victory over
sin, he sees it against the vivid backdrop of 1 Samuel 17. |
The head of Goliath was taken to Jerusalem, and buried there
(1 Sam. 17:54). Golgotha, just north of the city, signifies “the place of
a skull”; its name is possibly derived from this very incident. Thus the
burial site of the head of the “man of sin” was also the site of the
utter destruction of the serpent power of “sin”, bruised in its head
in the crucifixion of Christ (Gen. 3:15). |
15. |
Fear of death....subject to bondage. The Israelite
“army”, cowering in their tents, too much the slaves of the
Philistines ever to find the faith to defeat them (1 Sam. 17:24,32). An eloquent
picture of mankind, helpless to save themselves from the greatest Enemy. (Yet
these abject cowards do at last find courage, not in their own strength, but
only as derived from the observed faith of their leader. After he strikes the
first blow, they know the victory is already won, and they stream out of their
tents and thoroughly rout the enemy: 1 Sam. 17:52,53.) |
1. |
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the
earth. Strictly, these words will be true only in Messiah’s kingdom.
The sword (1 Sam. 17:51) and praise together, as in Psa. 149:5,9: This honor
will ultimately belong to all the saints! |
Above the heavens. Compare 1 Kings 8:27. Does this mean
that the glory of God is more remote than the moon or the stars (v. 3)? A
possible, but not certain, allusion to the theophany in Exod. 24:10. |
2. |
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings. Not
“mouths”. One mouth for a number of people suggests a unanimous
assent, in this case to the praise of God, and of His Son (Matt. 21:16). Compare
Zeph. 3:9 and Zech. 14:9; both are Kingdom prophecies. |
Babes and sucklings. Not literally, but because they
are seen in this derogatory light by the “enemies” (cp. 1 Sam.
17:42; also Isa. 28:9). There is another splendid example in 1 Chron. 25:3-7.
Hast thou ordained strength. The authority of Jesus
(Matt. 21:16) vindicates the correctness of this LXX reading: fashioned
praise. |
That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. In
Psa. 44:16, these words describe the Assyrian reviler at the gate of Jerusalem.
Could this v. 2 be a Hezekiah addition, as does happen in other psalms (see on
25:22)? |
The enemy is referred to also in 7:4-6; 9:3,6. In Psa.
7 the enemy is a fellow-Israelite; in Psa. 9, Gentile nations, as in 2 Sam. 8.
In 2 Sam. 7:1 “the Lord gave him rest from all his enemies” echoes
the Hebrew of Psa. 8:2: “that thou mightest still the
enemy”. |
3. |
When I consider thy heavens. Modern astronomical
knowledge only reinforces the natural awe with which ancient man surveyed the
heavens. |
The work of thy fingers. Deut. 9:10; Psa. 19:1-7; Exod.
8:19. |
The moon and the stars. Compare Job 25:4-6, with
several contacts to this psalm. “Stars” are symbols of the glorified
saints in Dan. 12:3 and Matt. 13:43. |
4. |
What is man....? For the same idea see 80:17; 144:3,4;
Job 7:17,18. |
Mindful means remembering after he is dead. So
here is the hope of resurrection. Contrast 88:5. |
5. |
A little lower. The Hebrew may mean either a little
lower in status or a little while lower (as in Heb. 2:9, RV mg. and RSV). But
the marked difference in Greek phrasing between 2:9 and 10:37 surely shows that
here the former reading is correct. |
Angels. Heb. 2:9 establishes the correctness of this
LXX reading of Elohim. But such instances are rare: cp. Heb. 1:6 (= Deut. 32:43,
LXX exactly); Gen. 1:26; 3:22; 19:29(?). |
6. |
Thou madest him to have dominion. Combined with v. 5,
there is here a summary of the three great phases of the work of
Christ: |
v. 5a: the days of his flesh. v. 5b: his priesthood: Exod. 28:2,36. v. 6a: his royal majesty. |
The works of thy hands. But in v. 3 “the work of
thy fingers” = the moon and stars. This suggests that Messiah’s
kingdom will extend beyond this earth. Space travel in the kingdom of God? But,
if “moon and stars” are to be read symbolically (as in Gen. 37:9,10;
Jer. 31:35,36), then vv. 3,6 together cover the people of the Old Covenant and
those of the New (145:10). |
Thou hast put. Heb. 2:8 adds “not yet”,
thus insisting on reference to Messiah in his kingdom. |
Under his feet. The powers of sin and death: see Gen.
3:15; 1 Cor. 15:25-26; Phil. 3:21. |
7. |
Beasts of the field. Mark 1:13; 5:13. |
8. |
Fowl....fish. References to the Gentiles, a great
multitude who at the last come under the dominion of Christ: Mark 11:15; Matt.
17:27; Gen. 48:16 mg., 19 (= Rom. 11:25); Acts 10:12. Compare also Ezek.
39:17. |
The fish = Dagon, the fish-headed god of the
Philistines, fallen upon his face before the glory of God — like Goliath,
with his head cut off (1 Sam. 5:3,4). |