People. This Hebrew word is mostly used of Arab
Kings of the earth. Here eretz = the
Set themselves. A military expression, “to take
up stations”.
Against the Lord. These kings were fighting to defend
their “gods” from the godly enthusiasm of David!
Cords, for the offering of sacrifice to Jehovah
(118:27; cp. 116:3).
Speak unto them. Was a prophet of the Lord (Nathan?)
made emissary with this message to all these nations?
Set my king. The Hebrew verb means poured out,
or anointed. But David, anointed three times (once at Bethlehem and
twice at Hebron), was not anointed in Jerusalem! So he must have known
(and also from v. 7) that his psalm would have its truest and most complete
fulfillment in the promised Messiah: cp. v. 7 with 2 Sam. 7:14.
My holy hill of Zion. Already dedicated to holiness in
2 Sam. 6.
The Gentiles....the uttermost parts of the Land for thy
possession. A temporary fulfillment of the promises to Abraham: Gen.
13:14,15; 15:18-21; 22:17.
Serve the Lord. Men like Hiram of Tyre did just this.
Initially the worship of Melkort (the god of Tyre) was modelled on the worship
of Jehovah.
Already interpreted in Acts 4.
Take counsel: Coming together as though by appointment:
Matt. 22:34; 27:1,7; 28:12; Mark 15:1; Luke 20:20; John 11:47; 18:14.
Together. LXX has the very expressive word used of the
disciples in Acts 1:14; 2:1,46; 4:24; 5:12 — homothumadon =
“one mind”.
Break their bands. A lunatic determination: Luke
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh....derision.
Acts 4:31: “The place was shaken” with this contemptuous laugh
of God! The derision of both Jews and Gentiles (Matt. 27:29,42) against the
Lord’s Christ now has its counterpart in His derision against them.
“Our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he pleased”
(Psa. 115:3). The “wise” will be confounded by the
“foolishness” of the cross (1 Cor. 1:20-31).
Yet have I set my king on my holy hill of Zion. Not
fulfilled in the first century except with the alternative meaning
“pointed out” (Isa. 53:12).
This day have I begotten thee. See comment at the
beginning of this paragraph. This Scripture is quoted along with Isa. 55:3, in
Acts 13:33,34 (priesthood and kingship). Both prophecies refer to the
Lord’s resurrection. “The sure mercies of David” are cited for
their emphasis on “for ever....for ever”, thus supporting “now
no more to return to corruption”. It is a resurrection to everlasting
glory: see also Rom. 1:4.
Ask of me, and I shall give thee. It was a custom among
great kings to give to favored ones whatever they might ask (Est. 5:6; Matt.
14:7). When the most eloquent of Christ’s servants had expounded a gospel
for Gentiles and was being stoned to death for it, the Lord was seen
“standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55). Why
standing, except to ask: “Give me the Gentiles for my inheritance”?
And in response, the Father granted permission for the conversion of the chief
persecutor so that, through him, the Gentiles might be brought to Christ.
And accordingly vv. 10-12 are about the conversion of Saul!
The uttermost parts of the earth. Matt. 12:42 again
establishes that Psa. 2 was not fulfilled in Solomon, but belongs to a greater
than he.
Thine inheritance. This words draws attention to
Christ’s parable of the vineyard in Luke 20:9-20, which seems to be based
on this second psalm. In the parable (v. 14) the husbandmen see the heir
approaching (Psa. 2:8: the “inheritance”), and they reason among
themselves (compare also vv. 19,20: “taking counsel together”
— Psa. 2:2): “Let us kill him” (“Break his bands
asunder” — Psa. 2:3). This they do (Luke 20:15), not knowing it is
in God’s purpose that they do so (Psa. 2:4; Acts 4:28), and the result is
that the Lord of the vineyard will come and destroy them (Luke 20:16,18;
Psa. 2:8,9). When the parable is completed, Christ next confounds the
priests’ spies, who come with their questions. When they are silenced, he
proceeds to prove the resurrection (Luke 20:37,38) and the divine conception of
David’s son (vv. 41-44) — the two foundations on which
Messiah’s right of inheritance is based.
Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s
vessel. In the first century this was duly fulfilled: Matt. 22:6,7; Jer.
The following details are to be noted relevant to Paul
- Be instructed, ye judges of the Land: Was Saul of Tarsus one of the
“judges” consenting to Stephen’s death (Acts 8:1; 26:10)? Also
cp. Acts 5:38,39.
- “And he trembling and astonished,
said....” (Acts 9:6).
And ye perish in the way. It was in the way to Damascus
(Acts 26:13) that Saul “died”, and “rose again” the
third day.
Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. This
is Paul’s gospel of justification by faith.
Rage. “Tumultuously assemble” (AV mg.).
“Are....in turmoil” (NEB).
Imagine: s.w. 1:2, but what a vast difference in
subject! Cp. Ezek. 38:10.
Set themselves: s.w. 2 Sam. 7:16 — but so
different in meaning there.
The rulers take counsel together against the Lord. Rev.
19:19. All this is in vain: Psa. 20:6; 45:5.
Let us break their bands. Does the plural mean:
- God and His Messiah?
- Messiah and Israel?
- Messiah and his
Most likely the first.
The Lord shall have them in derision: Isa.
Break them. The Hebrew is ambiguous. The LXX reads
“shepherd them”, and this is supported by Rev. 2:27. The response of
each Gentile nation decides Messiah’s attitude towards it — either
the firm and wise rule of a shepherd, or the smashing of the incurably
rebellious. (The shepherds’ rod — shebet — both
protects the sheep and smites the marauders: Lev. 27:32; Ezek. 20:37; cp.
Psa. 23:4. Thus it becomes a symbol of government: Gen. 49:10.)
A potter’s vessel, made of the “miry
clay” of Daniel’s image (2:43,44). This material, when hardened, is
very brittle and easily broken by the disappointed artisan (Isa. 30:14; Jer.
18:6; 19:11; Rom. 9:21-23).
The council of rebellion (v. 2) is interrupted by a warning
which only fools would neglect: Be wise now therefore....be
LXX has rejoice in him.
Serve the Lord with fear: Phil. 2:10,11.
Kiss the Son. This and anointing and inheritance were
all features of King Saul’s coronation (1 Sam. 10:1). But the Messianic
king here is in sharp contrast with the failure that Saul became.
Lest he be angry. This word and the word trust
are both used only about God. So David knew that his psalm was a prophecy of
a divine king.
And ye perish. “Lest....your way
perish” (1:6).
The way... of righteousness (LXX), quoted in Matt.
Blessed are all they that put their trust in him:
“Asher (happy) are all they who flee for refuge
in Christ” (s.w. 57:1-3). This closes Psa. 2 just as Psa. 1 began, and
rounds off the first two psalms as a fitting introduction to the hymnal of Holy
Scripture. One man sits alone is silent meditation (Psa. 1), while another must
dwell among fierce enemies in a world on the edge of holocaust (Psa. 2). But
both ways of life, at one time or another, belong to Christ. So the message of
the Father remains the same for each of Christ’s followers:
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not
unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall
direct thy paths” (Prov. 3:5,6).