Why standest thou afar off?....why hidest thou thyself?
A very hurt reproach against God, such as would inevitably spring to the
mind of David when he heard about the slaughter of the priests of Nob (1 Sam.
22:18), or when the relentless pursuit by Saul inclined David to despair.
Compare Psa. 13:1 and, of course, 22:1,2.
The poor (singular) is David himself. RV: In the pride
of the wicked the poor is hotly pursued (literally: set on fire). Could
this be an allusion to Saul’s men systematically burning the scrub on the
hill-side, so as to flush out their prey?
Taken in the devices that they have imagined: 1 Sam.
The wicked boasteth. This verb is as in
Hallelu-jah. His song of praise is about himself! He is a
“self-made” man and he is worshipping his
He blesseth the covetous, whom the Lord abhorreth. In 1
Sam. 22 every detail about Doeg describes a man fawning over the king for
personal advantage.
God is not in all his thoughts. Not in his thinking at
all! This was the root of all the trouble in Saul’s life. He believed in
God, but not as a Being who was in control of his life. Note the withering
emphasis on this in vv. 6,11,13, and the emphatic corrective in v. 15. Psalms
14/53 and 52 should certainly be studied with this psalm. See notes
He hath said in his heart. This “atheism”
is his innermost thinking. A blithe assumption that he will not be called to
account for his evil purposes and ways.
I shall not be moved. The “noble” art of
self-deceit: cp. 30:6; 1 Sam. 15:13.
Never in adversity. RV: to all generations. Saul was
set on founding a great dynasty. This was the root of his incurable hostility to
David. See 1 Sam. 20:30,31.
Cursing....deceit....fraud....mischief....vanity. What
a catalogue of evil. All these were true either of Saul or of Doeg.
Under his tongue, i.e. at times hypocritically hidden:
e.g. 1 Sam. 24:16-22. “Poison” emanating from the mouth is
indisputably “serpent” symbolism.
Surely this describes the massacre of the priests (1 Sam.
22:18; also 23:9,21-23). “He doth murder the
Humbleth himself. 1 Sam. 24:22; 26:25 both suggest that
David had strong misgivings about the lasting sincerity of Saul’s change
of heart.
Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the
humble. What a contrast between David’s unquenchable consciousness of
the power and presence of God and the “atheism” of his enemy. Note
the alternation regarding this in vv. 11,13 and 12,14.
The fatherless: David, deprived of his father-in-law (1
Sam. 22:14)? Or David, deprived of help and counsel from Samuel (1 Sam.
Break thou the arm of the wicked and evil man. Twice (1
Sam. 24;26) David has it in his power to be rid of Saul once and for all. But
how admirable is the emphasis in 1 Sam. 24:6; 26:9-11: “The Lord forbid
that I should do this....”
Added in later days when Saul was dead and David was
established as the Lord’s anointed. The Lord is king; and the
Gentiles (such as Doeg) are perished....to judge the fatherless and the
oppressed (David’s correction of the extremes of Saul’s reign),
that the man of the earth may no more oppress. (There is also the
possibility that as in some other instances, these verses were added in the
Hezekiah period. There is considerable fitness about all the details.)
Why standest thou afar off, O Lord? why hidest thou thyself
in times of trouble? Were there occasions during the Lord’s ministry
when his Father seemed to hide Himself in times of trouble?
Let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
John 11:48-50 is an outstanding illustration: They did not “let him
alone”. Instead, “one man died for the people”, and the
Romans did come and take away their place (i.e. temple) and their
The covetous = Judas?
God is not in all his thoughts, and vv. 11,13. How
terribly true of those “holy” men of the temple!
Under his tongue. Consider the hypocrisy in Luke
Lurking places....secret places....murder. Compare Psa.
He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in
wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his
net. The Pharisees’ plots against Jesus (John 5:16,18; Mark 3:6; Luke
11:54; John 7:19-21,25; 8:59; Luke 13:31; John 10:31,39; 11:8,16, 44-54; Luke
20:14-26; Matt. 26:3-5,16). Especially is this a picture of the atmosphere of
intrigue and hostility in the last week of the Lord’s ministry, when it
was necessary for him to leave the holy city each day as the sun set (Luke
Humbleth himself. A deceitful, ingratiating humility
— such as intended to trick Jesus into wrong answers to their crafty
questions. This is the false “humility” of a crouching lion ready to
pounce on its prey (v. 9).
Thou hast seen it....to requite it. Retribution for the
rejection of Christ came inevitably in A.D. 70. As God used the Philistines
against Saul, so also He used the legions of Rome against His rebellion people
(Matt. 22:7).
On any reading, there is a chronological gap in the psalm
here. When the Messiah receives his kingdom, Jehovah is King for ever and
ever. And the Gentiles, who up to the very last have sought to assert their
authority over it, are perished out of it (Zech. 14:21). Then the humble
(v. 17) will find their heart’s desire; v. 18 provides a lovely
cameo of the blessedness of the kingdom.
The man of the earth uses the word for frail mortal man
(enosh) and alludes back to Gen. 2:7. There is also a lovely play
on words: earth (eretz), oppress (aratz).
Why hidest thou thyself, so as not to see the need of
Thy servant (Isa. 1:15; Job 23:9)?
For the wicked boasteth of his heart’s desire, and
blesseth (or, praiseth) the covetous, whom the Lord abhorreth. Both
words are those normally used for praising and blessing God! Here, then, is his
true “god”: his own evil scheming. Contrast with 44:8.
His heart’s desire. Contrast Rom. 10:1.
And blesseth the covetous. The wicked man loves those
in whom he sees his own reflection. The wicked man honors others according to
the amount of their possessions (Psa. 49:6,18). He not only commits sin, but
takes pleasure in others who do the same (Rom. 1:32).
Pride of his countenance. An unusual phrase. Literally,
“height of nostril”, signifying a turned-up nose, or
Seek after God. The AV italic words are necessary for
the sense: note Psa. 9:10; 14:2.
God is not in all his thoughts. See AV margin. He
“believes” in God, but in practice he is atheist. He can manage
without God, and he believes he can evade God’s scrutiny of his life. For
the same idea, see vv. 5b,6,11,13; 14:2; 53:1a; 2 Pet. 3:4; Isa. 26:11a; and
contrast vv. 14,15; 11:4; 33:13-19; 34:15,16.
Thy judgments are far about out of his sight. An
eloquent statement of the vast chasm between God’s thoughts and
man’s (Isa. 55:8,9). Natural man is so short-sighted that he cannot see
the marvellous workings of God in nature or in grace (2 Cor. 4:4). Neither can
he see the Divine storm clouds hanging over him, because his eyes are directed
downward toward his grubbing in the earth. Since God does not immediately visit
every sin with punishment, natural men do not understand that such punishment
— even though long in coming — is inevitable (Eccl. 8:11; 2 Pet.
Said in his heart. And in vv. 11,13 also.
I shall not be moved. Even David was liable to this
subtle disease of “atheism”. This is the real “peace and
safety” cry (1 Thes. 5:3; see Booker, Waiting for His Son, pp.
I shall never be in adversity. “Soul, thou hast
much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be
merry” (Luke 12:15-21).
Cursing....deceit....fraud....mischief....vanity. Five
terrible words. Contrast, in the rest of the psalm: poor, innocent,
fatherless, humble, oppressed.
“And a thousand rascals, the living originals of this
picture, are this day crouching and lying in wait all over the country to catch
poor helpless travellers” (Thomson, The Land and the
His strong ones, such as Doeg the Edomite. Compare
margin: into his strong parts, i.e. so that the poor might fall prey to
his strong “teeth” and “claws”.
He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth
his face; he will never see it. In deceiving others, he has deceived
himself: Gal. 6:7.
Arise, O Lord. The old “wilderness” cry,
the call to battle of the Lord of hosts (Psa. 9:19; 82:8; 132:8; Num.
The helper of the fatherless. “For in thee the
fatherless find mercy” (Hos. 14:3). See vv. 17,18; 9:12,18.
Seek out his wickedness until thou find none. What an
awesome undertaking!
The man of the earth. Compare the “god of the
earth” (Rev. 11:4). He is “from beneath” (John 8:23), and
“earthly, sensual, and demonic” (John 3:31; James 3:15).