George Booker
A New Creation
A Manual for New Christadelphians, Young Christadelphians, and Prospective Christadelphians
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Baptism
3. The Ecclesial Constitution
4. The Statement of Faith
5. The Commandments of Christ
6. The Importance of the Memorial Meeting
7. The Significance of the Memorial Meeting
8. The Importance of Daily Bible Reading
9. Selecting a Bible
10. The Importance of Continuing Bible Study
11. Recommended Reading
12. Christadelphian Magazines
13. Bible Schools and Various Gatherings
14. “Be Ye Holy”
15. Money and Materialism
16. Courtship
17. Marriage “Only in the Lord”
18. Marriage and Family Life
19. Parents and Children
20. Being Married to an Unbeliever
21. Birth Control
22. Abortion
23. Divorce
24. Homosexuality
25. Politics and Voting
26. Military and Police
27. Unions
28. Jury Duty
29. Suing at Law
30. Subjection to Authorities
31. Our Attitude toward Work
32. Debts
33. Entertainment and Leisure
34. Gambling
35. Smoking
36. Drinking
37. Drugs
38. Christmas and Other Holidays
39. Dress, Makeup, and Jewelry
40. Hair Length of Brothers
41. Sisters in the Ecclesia
42. Divisions Among Christadelphians
43. “Rules” Alone are Not the Answer
44. Discouragement, Sin and Failure
45. The Importance of Prayer
46. Love One Another
47. Preaching the Gospel
48. A Cheerful Doer
49. A Final Word
Contact John Mannell