13. Bible Schools and Various Gatherings
One positive aspect of ecclesial life that has
developed in recent years is the “Bible School” movement. These are
generally gatherings of one week, providing very good Bible study classes (for
all ages), recreation of a wholesome character, and pleasant associations. There
are annually, in the summer, almost 20 Bible schools throughout North America,
and other similar schools in England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the
Caribbean, and elsewhere. They provide wonderful opportunities for fellowship on
a wider scale than is possible in local ecclesias, and for further exposure to
the Truth for the families of Christadelphians. One of the greatest benefits to
the young of attendance at such schools is the possibility of making lasting
friendships with other young Christadelphians, that may one day develop into
courtship and marriage “in the Lord”.
To a lesser degree, various weekend gatherings
and youth gatherings provide all the above advantages as well, and should be
attended whenever possible. Information regarding Bible schools and weekend
gatherings is available from local ecclesias.