48. A Cheerful Doer
Life is filled with opportunities for service to
God; all we have to do is open our eyes. Sometimes a new believer is guilty of
thinking to himself that “the ‘elders’ will take care of
everything for me — I’ll just receive instruction and help from
them!” This attitude is totally wrong. While it is true that certain areas
of service are closed (and rightly so) to sisters and to brothers who are
“novices” (the Greek word means “tender plants”), it is
equally true that many other areas are available to all. It only takes the
opening of one’s eyes to the almost infinite possibilities. (Just one
example: “visiting the fatherless and widows in their affliction” :
James 1:27. There are tremendous possibilities here. And be advised that that
word “visit” means a lot more than making a brief and perfunctory
social call!)
Don’t wait to be asked. Find the jobs left
undone, and do them! Volunteer! Get involved! Make a difference! Take the first
step to put yourself in God’s hands, and be assured that He will then use
you as His instrument.