27. Unions
In New Testament times, slaves were exhorted to
be obedient to their masters, serving with loyalty both good and bad. Likewise,
those believers who are “slaves”, or servants, for wages today
should accept their lot if it cannot peaceably be improved, abiding contentedly
in the calling to which they have been called. Anything resembling pressure or
threats upon employers is unlawful for a brother or sister in Christ, who is
commanded not to strive but to be peaceable toward all men.
It follows that the militant activities of trade
unions must be repudiated by believers desiring to live consistently with their
faith. It also follows that, since increasing numbers of unions are engaging in
such activities, the believer cannot really feel comfortable in voluntarily
assuming membership, and is far better outside the union than inside. There are
professional associations that do not call themselves trade unions, which
refrain from militant attitudes and are much more concerned with matters of
ethical practice and continuing education. For such it is reasonable to assume
that these are not trade unions, and are not, at least automatically, to be
It is for this reason that precise advice as to
whether or not one should join any particular trade associations cannot always
be given. However, the believer should make it very plain to both employer and
colleague that he or she does not intend to be involved in any agitation of a
militant type, whether with a union or not. The believer will not willingly go
on strike. He will certainly not engage in picketing. If a member, he will
contribute to union funds only those sums exacted from him, and he will make no
voluntary contributions whatever, especially to the “political action
committee”, or its equivalent.